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Features of the use of plasma focus installations
in radiation and space materials science

A. S. Demin, E. V. Morozov, N. A. Epifanov, S. A. Maslyaev, V. N. Pimenov

The features of the use of Plasma Focus (PF) devices in the field of radiation and space materials science related to the specific generation of several types of radiation in the working chambers of the PF are considered. It is noted that the main role in the damage and modification of the structural state of the surface layers of materials irradiated in the cathode zone of the PF working chamber is played by powerful pulsed beams of working gas ions and flows of high-temperature plasma in the nano- and microsecond range of pulse duration. It is shown that in addition to the common combined beam-plasma effect on a target sample, PF installations allow the possibility of separate irradiation of the target material with ion and plasma flows. Three methods for separating pulsed flows of hot plasma and fast ions in space and time in a PF installation, described in the literature, are presented. It is noted that PF installations are a promising tool for solving fundamental and applied problems in radiation and space materials science, including for simulation experiments focused on problems of thermonuclear energy and aerospace engineering. It is also indicated that hard X-ray pulses with a duration in the nanosecond range, arising from pulsed discharges in the PF chamber, can be used for diagnosing fast processes, in particular for non-destructive flaw detection of machines and mechanisms during their operation.

Keywords: impulse flows, plasma focus, plasma, ions, space materials science, radiation materials science.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-5-17

Demin Aleksandr — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (49 Leninskii Prospect, Moscow 119334, Russia), research worker. E-mail:

Morozov Evgenii — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (49 Leninskii Prospect, Moscow 119334, Russia), research worker. E-mail:

Epifanov Nikita — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (49 Leninskii Prospect, Moscow 119334, Russia), junior researcher. E-mail:

Maslyaev Sergey — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (49 Leninskii Prospect, Moscow 119334, Russia), PhD (Phys.Math.), senior research worker. E-mail:

Pimenov Valeriy — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (49 Leninskii Prospect, Moscow 119334, Russia), Dr Sci (Phys.Math.), head of laboratory. E-mail:

Demin A.S., Morozov E.V., Epifanov N.A., Maslyaev S.A., Pimenov V.N. Osobennosti primeneniya ustanovok Plazmennyj fokus v radiacionnom i kosmicheskom materialovedenii. [Features of the use of plasma focus installations in radiation and space materials science]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 5 – 17. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-5-17

Development and research of a promising material
for high-power fluorocarbon cathodes

P. D. Ivanov, I. A. Putsylov, S. E. Smirnov

An original method for the synthesis of silver vanadium oxide (Ag2V4O11) has been developed, including mechanical activation of a mixture of vanadium pentoxide and silver nitrate in a planetary mill followed by heat treatment in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 700 °C for 5 hours in an air atmosphere and providing a product yield of 99.5 % in a highly dispersed state. Based on the data obtained, it was found that the introduction of 8 wt. % Ag2V4O11made it possible to double the polarization characteristics in comparison with a conventional (CFx)n sample. According to the results of testing the samples, it was shown that at a discharge current density above 1.0 mA/cm2, there is a significant decrease in the discharge specific capacity and medium-discharge potential in the traditional (CFx)n sample and in samples with a low content of silver vanadium oxide. An increase in the content of Ag2V4O11over 8 wt. % leads to a decrease in the specific capacity of the samples due to the lower energy intensity of this material compared to the energy intensity (CFx)n. The sample with 8 wt. % of silver vanadium oxide has the highest energy consumption at a higher discharge potential (630 mAh/g versus 570 mAh/g for traditional). Electrodes based on the composition of fluorocarbon – silver vanadium oxide and primary elements based on them surpass known analogues in capacity, stability and preservation.

Keywords: silver vanadium oxide, lithium, fluorocarbon, cathode, discharge current.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-18-23


Ivanov Pavel — National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (111250 Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya 14), postgraduate student colleague Chemistry and electrochemical energetic, specialist in the field of chemical current sources.

Putsylov Ivan — National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (111250 Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya 14), PhD, associated professor, Department of Chemistry and electrochemical energetic, specialist in the field of electrochemistry.

Smirnov Sergey — National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (111250 Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya 14), Doctor of sciences (Eng), professor, Department of Chemistry and electrochemical energetic, specialist in the field of chemical current sources.

Ivanov P.D., Putsylov I.A., Smirnov S.E. Razrabotka i issledovaniya perspektivnogo materiala dlya vysokomoshchnyh ftoruglerodnyh katodov [Development and research of a promising material for high-power fluorocarbon cathodes]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 18 – 23. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-18-23


Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of organic-inorganic hybrid material copper iodide-polypyrrol

A. O. Konakov, M. V. Dmitrieva, K. V. Gor’kov, E. V. Zolotukhina

The organic-inorganic hybrid material (OIH) copper iodide-polypyrrol (CuI-PPy), obtained by a one-pot method in aqueous mixed solutions of precursors, was used as a bacteriostatic and bactericidal media agent on Escherichia coli BB culture in an aqueous nutrient medium. The addition of OIH material (1 mg/ml) into culture media suppressed the growth of E. coli for 60 hours, after which the efficiency of bacteriostatic action was more than 80%. The use of CuI-PPy as an additive to the paint coating leads to the death of bacteria after 1 hour of contact of the bacterial cells solution with glass plates coated with modified CuI-PPy paint coatings. After 12 hours of contact, the bactericidal effect of the CuI-PPy modified film remains unchanged. The advantages of using CuI-PPy material in comparison with CuI are discussed.

Keywords: Bacteriostatic effect, bactericidal effect, E. coli, CuI, CuI-PPy.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-24-32

Konakov Artem — Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS (Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432), junior researcher, specialist in the field electrochemical deposition of metal and alloy, synthesis of nanomaterials and organic-inorganic hybrids, amperometric sensors. E-mail: artjom7777 synthesis of

Dmitrieva Maria —Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS (Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432), junior researcher, specialist in the field of bioelectrocatalysis and biofuel cells. E-mail:

Gor’kov Konstantin —Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS (Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432), PhD, research associate, specialist in the field of electrocatalysts for electrooxidation of alcohols, aldehydes, synthesis of nanomaterials and organic-inorganic hybrids. E-mail:

Zolotukhina Ekaterina —Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS (Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432), Doctor of Sciences in Physical Chemistry, chief researcher; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, professor, specialist in the field of bioelectrocatalysis, amperometric biosensors, electrocatalysts for electrooxidation of alcohols, aldehydes, design of organic-inorganic hybrids and nanostructured composite materials. E-mail:

Konakov A.O., Dmitrieva M.V., Gor’kov K.V., Zolotukhina E.V. Bakteriostaticheskij i baktericidnyj effekty organo-neorganicheskogo gibridnogo materiala jodid medi-polipirrol [Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of organic-inorganic hybrid material copper iodide-polypyrrol]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 24 – 32. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-24-32


Composite membranes for water desalination

L. I. Kravets, M. A Yarmolenko, A. B. Gilman,
 V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu

Methods of coatings forming on the surface of a poly(ethylene terephthalate) track-etched membrane by magnetron and electron-beam sputter deposition of polytetrafluoroethylene in vacuum are considered. It is established that the involve of these modification methods leads to the formation of composite membranes consisting of two layers, one of which is the original track-etched membrane, characterized by an average level of hydrophilicity. The second layer has a hydrophobic nature. The contact angle of wettability by water of this layer varies depending on its thickness and the modification method used. It is shown that deposition of coatings by magnetron sputtering of polytetrafluoroethylene leads to smoothing of structural inhomogeneities of the surface of the initial membrane. Deposition of coatings by electron-beam dispersion of polymer, on the contrary, causes an increase in surface roughness. The observed differences in the morphology of the composite membranes surface layer are related to the size of the deposited polymer nanostructures. Nanostructures formed on the surface of track-etched membranes, when polytetrafluoroethylene is dispersed under the action of electron beam, have greatly large sizes. A significant increase in roughness due to the increase in the size of nanostructures makes it possible to obtain coatings with high- and superhydrophobic properties. It is shown that composite membranes consisting of a hydrophilic base with a hydrophobic coating deposited on the surface provide higher separation selectivity during desalination of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride by membrane distillation compared with the initial poly(ethylene terephthalate) track-etched membrane. In addition, the performance of two-layer composite membranes in the process of membrane distillation due to low resistance to mass transfer is higher in comparison with a track-etched membrane made of polypropylene.

Keywords: track-etched membranes, magnetron and electron-beam sputtering of polymers in vacuum, polytetrafluoroethylene, hydrophobization, composite membranes, water desalination.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-33-44

Kravets Liubov —Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (Joliot-Curie Str. 6, 141980 Dubna, Russia), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in development of methods for obtaining track membranes, nano- and membrane technologies, modification of membranes surface properties by plasma. E-mail:

Yarmolenko Maxim —Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Sovetskaya Str. 104, 246019 Gomel, Belarus), Dr Sci (Eng), associated professor, specialist in the formation of organic and inorganic composite coatings from the active gas phase. E-mail:

Gilman Alla —Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials of RAS (Profsoyuznaya Str. 70, 117393 Moscow, Russia), PhD (Chem), senior researcher, specialist in technology of ion-plasma processing of materials and coatings, ion-plasma modification of surface properties of polymers, study of properties and structure of nanocomposite materials. E-mail:

Satulu Veronica —National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (Atomistilor Str. 409, 077125 Magurele, Bucharest, Romania), PhD (Phys), researcher, specialist in surface modification of polymer materials in plasma, polymerization in plasma, formation of nanocomposite materials in plasma. E-mail:

Mitu Bogdana —National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (Atomistilor Str. 409, 077125 Magurele, Bucharest, Romania), PhD (Phys), senior researcher, specialist in low temperature plasma, technology of ion-plasma treatment, formation of functional organic and inorganic coatings in plasma. E-mail:

Dinescu Gheorghe — National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (Atomistilor Str. 409, 077125 Magurele, Bucharest, Romania), Dr Sci (Phys), professor, head of laboratory, specialist in fundamental processes in plasma, physics and diagnostics of plasma, development of new materials for nanotechnology, environment, biology and medicine. E-mail:

Kravets L.I., Yarmolenko M.A, Gilman A.B., Satulu V., Mitu B., Dinescu G. Kompozicionnye membrany dlya obessolivaniya vody [Composite membranes for water desalination]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 33 – 44. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-33-44


Influence of the medical titanium alloys samples composition and surface properties on the ability to support escherichia coli adhesion and biofilm formation

E. O. Nasakina, M. A. Sudarchikova, A. Yu. Ivannikov, V. M. Andreevskaya,
 S. Yu. Kottsov, N. A. Dormidontov, Ya. A. Morozova, S. V. Konushkin,
K. V. Sergienko, M. A. Sevostyanov, A. G. Kolmakov

The effect of 6 types of jet treatment and electrolytic plasma polishing on the roughness and wettability of the surface and interaction with the bacterium Escherichia coli of two commercial titanium-based alloys used in medicine, VT1-0 (pure titanium) and VT6 (titanium alloy with aluminum and vanadium) and Ti alloy developed at IMET RAS was studied-Nb-Zr. It is noted that all created surfaces are wettable, the wetting angle is naturally higher the lower the surface roughness, however, in the case of all materials after sandblasting with mixtures with a wide range of particles in size, an increase in the wetting angle is noted. All metal samples do not have antibacterial activity and do not contribute to the formation of a sterile zone. However, when studying the ability to form biofilms from the bacterium Escherichia coli on the surface of metals. It was found out that their number is significantly lower compared to the control, which was cultivated under ideal conditions for the growth of this bacterium. The alloy under development, which potentially has better biomechanical compatibility than the commercial ones used, did not show a deterioration in surface characteristics and an effect on the growth of bacteria.

Keywords: titanium alloy, biomedical alloy, surface roughness, surface wettability, Escherichia coli, polarization curves.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-45-56

Nasakina Elena — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of biomedical and composite materials. E-mail:

Sudarchikova Maria — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), junior researcher, specialist in the field of biomedical and composite materials. E-mail:

Ivannikov Alexander — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in materials science. E-mail:

Andreevskaya Veronika —All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology (Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Bolshye Vyazemy village, Institute str., possession 5); M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1 Leninskie Gory ter, Moscow 119991, Russia), junior researcher, specialist in the field of research on the composition of soil and plant mycobiota, testing of phytopathogens for resistance to pesticides, agrochemicals and biologics. E-mail:

Kottsov Sergey — Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (31 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119991, Russia), junior researcher, specialist in the field of general and inorganic chemistry, E-mail:

Dormidontov Nikolay — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), junior researcher, specialist in the field of physicochemistry of refractory and rare metals and alloys and materials processing. E-mail:

Morozova Yaroslava — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), research engineer, specialist in chemistry and materials sciences. E-mail:

Konushkin Sergey — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), PhD (Eng), researcher, specialist in the field of titanium alloys and their processing. E-mail:

Sergienko Konstantin — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), junior researcher, specialist in the field of biomedical materials. E-mail:

Sevostyanov Mikhail — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia); All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology (Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Bolshye Vyazemy settlement, Institute str., possession 5), PhD (Eng), leading researcher, specialist in the field of biomedical materials. E-mail:

Kolmakov Alexey — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (49 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 119334 Russia), corresponding member of Russian academy of sciences, Head of the laboratory, specialist in the field of strength and plasticity of metal and composite materials and nanomaterials, E-mail:

Nasakina E.O., Sudarchikova M.A., Ivannikov A.Yu., Andreevskaya V.M., Kottsov S.Yu., Dormidontov N.A., Morozova Ya.A., Konushkin S.V., Sergienko K.V., Sevostyanov M.A., Kolmakov A.G. Vliyanie sostava i svojstv poverhnosti obrazcov iz titanovyh splavov medicinskogo naznacheniya na sposobnost' podderzhivat' adgeziyu Escherichia coli i formirovanie bioplenki [Influence of the medical titanium alloys samples composition and surface properties on the ability to support escherichia coli adhesion and biofilm formation]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 45 – 56. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-45-56


Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
of ZrO2 – ZrB2 – ZrC composite material

A. P. Chizhikov, A. O. Zhidovich, N. Yu. Khomenko,
M. S. Antipov, P. M. Bazhin

In this work, composite materials based on zirconium oxide stabilized by yttria were obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The content of the stabilizing additive of yttrium oxide in the ratio (1 – x)ZrO2 – xY2O3 corresponded to x ϵ [0; 9] mol. %. The work carried out thermodynamic calculations of the adiabatic combustion temperature of the studied compositions. Calculations are given for various cases, taking into account different options for melting the synthesis products. According to calculations, the introduction of a stabilizing additive of yttrium oxide affects the combustion temperature of the materials studied. Namely, the introduction of yttrium oxide in an amount corresponding to x= 1 mol % leads to a sharp increase in the combustion temperature. A further increase in the concentration of yttrium oxide in the starting material leads to a monotonic decrease in the adiabatic combustion temperature. The results of an experimental study of the combustion temperature of the studied materials showed that the real dependence of this parameter on the content of yttrium oxide in the starting materials is of a similar nature to the theoretical one. According to the results of studying the phase composition of the obtained materials, the introduction of a stabilizing additive of yttrium oxide into the initial mixture leads to an increase in the tetragonal modification of zirconium oxide in the synthesis products. At the same time, it was found that in addition to monoclinic and tetragonal zirconium oxide, the synthesis products contained zirconium carbide and diboride. Zirconium oxide, according to the results of studying the microstructure, was a matrix containing uniformly distributed particles of zirconium carbide and diboride.

Keywords: self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, zirconium oxide, yttrium oxide, zirconium boride, zirconium carbide, composite material.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-57-66

Chizhikov Andrey — Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences (142432 Chernogolovka, M.O., Akademika Osipyana str., 8), PhD, senior researcher, specialist in the field of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of ceramic composite materials. E-mail:

Zhidovich Alexandra — Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences (142432 Chernogolovka, M.O., Akademika Osipyana str., 8), PhD, researcher, specialist in the field of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of metal-ceramic composite materials. E-mail:

Khomenko Natalya — Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences (142432 Chernogolovka, M.O., Akademika Osipyana str., 8), researcher, specialist in the field of materials science, X-ray diffraction and X-ray phase studies of materials.

Antipov Mikhail — Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences (142432 Chernogolovka, M.O., Akademika Osipyana str., 8), junior researcher, specialist in the field of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of metal-ceramic composite materials. E-mail:

Bazhin Pavel — Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences (142432 Chernogolovka, M.O., Akademika Osipyana str., 8), deputy Director, doctor of sciences (Eng), specialist in the field of materials science and direct production of products as a result of a combination of processes of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and high-temperature shear deformation. E-mail:

Chizhikov A.P., Zhidovich A.O., Khomenko N.Yu., Antipov M.S., Bazhin P.M. Samorasprostranyayushchijsya vysokotemperaturnyj sintez kompozicionnogo materiala ZrO2 – ZrB2 – ZrC [Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of ZrO2 – ZrB2 – ZrC composite material]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 57 – 66. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-57-66


Orientation strengthening of epoxy resin
in the polymerization process

K. A. Drachev, A. V. Kazarbin, V. I. Rimlyand

Experimental studies of the influence of mechanical deformation during the polymerisation process of ED-20 epoxy resin on the mechanical properties of cured specimens. Measurements of mechanical stress-strain dependence and ultimate strength were carried out in automatic mode using the Devotrans BP D NU testing machine. Experimental measurements of the mechanical stress-strain dependence for the samples subjected to stretching during polymerisation allow us to conclude that the ultimate strength of the cured samples increases by 1.5 to 2.5 times depending on the degree of stretching and the stage of polymerisation at which the stretching was carried out. At the same time, the Young’s modulus of the cured specimens changes insignificantly. This effect can be exploited in the manufacture of epoxy resin products, including composites based on epoxy binders.

Keywords: epoxy resin, hardening, polymerisation, mechanical properties, measurements, samples.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-67-74

Drachev Kirill —Pacific State University (680035 Khabarovsk, Tikachikovskaya St., 136), PhD (Eng), associate professor, specialist in physical acoustics, solid state physics. E-mail:

Kazarbin Alexey — Pacific State University (680035 Khabarovsk, Tikhikhikovskaya str., 136), PhD (Phys-Math), associate professor, specialist in physical acoustics, non-destructive testing. E-mail:

Rimlyand Vladimir —Pacific State University (680035 Khabarovsk, Tikhikachikovskaya str., 136), Doctor of Sci. (Eng), professor, specialist in physical acoustics, solid state physics, epoxy oligomer materials science. E-mail:

Drachev K.A., Kazarbin A.V., Rimlyand V.I. Orientacionnoe uprochnenie epoksidnoj smoly v processe polimerizacii [Orientation strengthening of epoxy resin in the polymerization process]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 67 – 74. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-67-74


Influence of preliminary preparation of starting material
and composition of gaseous medium on characteristics
of activated carbons from cotton fluff during
two-stage microwave heating

E. V. Мatveev, A. I. Gajdar, B. A. Lapshinov, V. V. Berestov

Influence of starting material preliminary preparation and gaseous medium composition on adsorption and microstructural characteristics of activated carbons (AC) obtained from cotton fluff by two-stage microwave heating was investigated. Cotton fluff samples were impregnated with a 5 % solution of H3PO4, molded in the form of cylinders without incisions (type I), in the form of cylinders with transverse incisions (type II), and in the form of cylinders made of crushed “fluff–crumbs” (type III). During two–stage microwave heating (the first stage is carbonation in Ar, CO2 or N2 for 60 s, the second is activation in air for 50 s), fluff samples are completely carbonized and activated. It was found that the two-stage process allows to achieve higher rates of adsorption capacity of the finished AC according to the methylene blue indicator compared with single-stage microwave heating for 120 s. It is shown that by incising or grinding the processed samples, the adsorption capacity can be further increased. The reasons for the higher adsorption capacity of carbonized type III samples are higher density uniformity due to the grinding of the starting material, which makes it possible to achieve higher carbonation temperatures in a steady state (up to 1100 °C in a CO2 environment). Grinding also leads to additional surface development both due to the dissection of the fiber into several fragments, and due to the stratification of the fiber wall during the carbonization process.

Keywords: microwave heating, activated carbon, cotton fibers, scanning electron microscopy.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-75-84

Matveev Egor —Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of research of physical and mechanical properties of materials. E-mail:

Gaidar Anna —Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), PhD (Phys-Math), leading researcher, specialist in the field of electron microscopy and elemental microanalysis. E-mail:

Lapshinov Boris — Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of laser technologies and spectral pyrometry. E-mail:

Berestov Valentin —Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies (RIAMT) (53 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187), junior researcher, specialist in the field of structural nanomaterials. E-mail:

Мatveev E.V., Gajdar A.I., Lapshinov B.A., Berestov V.V. Vliyanie predvaritel'noj podgotovki iskhodnogo materiala i sostava gazovoj sredy na harakteristiki aktivirovannyh uglej iz hlopkovogo puha pri dvuhetapnom sverhvysokochastotnom nagreve. [Influence of preliminary preparation of starting material and composition of gaseous medium on characteristics of activated carbons from cotton fluff during two-stage microwave heating]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2024, no. 9, pp. 75 – 84. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2024-9-75-84


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