The editorial board of the journal “Perspektivnye Materialy” asks authors submitting manuscripts to adhere to the following rules
The work must have the following:
— permission from organization, where it was performed;
— permission to publish (for the authors of the Russian Federation);
— agreement on copyright transfer (can take from;
— information about each of the authors in the Russian and English languages: surname, first name (in full), place of work (unabridged), academic degree, academic rank, position, field of research, e-mail, as well as the address, phone number; please specify one of the authors for correspondence with the editorial board. For example: Ivan Petrov — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Dr Sci (Phys-Math), (Eng), (Chem), etc, leading researcher. E-mail:
— one cope of the manuscript (for editorial and peer review); the full name, names of authors, annotation 100 — 250 words and keywords both in Russian and English. The total volume of the article (with figures and tables) should not exceed 20 pages A4 (font 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, all margins 2.5 cm). The article should have a clearly defined purpose of the work, be divided into logically complete sections (introduction, experimental method, results, discussion, conclusions). When using abbreviations and acronyms need to first occurrence of decrypt (in the name of their use is not permitted). The manuscript should be signed by all authors. In articles with biological and medical topics (when using animal experiments) at the end of the work it is necessary to indicate that: “All applicable international, national and / or institutional principles of animal care and use have been observed”.
— electronic version of the paper should be sent by e-mail (in the format MS Word 97- 2003) (extension «docx» is unacceptable).
Figures should be in black and white and presented as separate files in graphical formats (tif, jpeg, etc.) with resolution of at least 300 dpi or as program file «Origin», «Excel». Microstructures must have the scale (scale bar, rather than magnification, like × 1000). The total number of figures, including division into subfigures should be no more than 15. For example, the microstructure of Fig. 4a-d – is considered fs four figures.
References, duplicating the same information with the same numbering as in "Literature", but linking to Russian-language sources need to be represented as follows: Transliteration of Russian names (in Latin), translation of the title into English, Russian journal transliteration (in Latin) and translation into English.
For articles
Ivanov L.I., Litvinova N.A., Yanushkevich V.A. Anomalnoye raspredeleniye tochechnykh defektov, obrazuyushchikhsya v pogloshchayushchem materiale pri lazernom obluchenii [Abnormal distribution of density of point defects formed in absorbing material by laser irradiation]. Fizika i khimiya obrabotki materialov - Physics and chemistry of materials treatment, 1976, no. 2, pp. 3 – 6.
For books
Zeldovich Ya.B., Rayzer Yu.P. Fizika udarnykh voln i vysokotemperaturnykh gidrodinamicheskikh yavleny [Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1966, 688 p.
The editorial board asks to adhere to the following rule: self-citations should not exceed 30% of the total number of references.
Files can be packed in ZIP RAR. All materials are requested to be placed into a folder with the first author's name. If the file size exceeds 2 MB, before sending by e-mail archive should be split into parts (no more than 2 MB each).