Preparation of graphene oxide thin films by spin coating
method and influence of chemical reducing agents
and thermally reducing conditions on reduced graphene oxide thin films surface resistivities
D. Yu. Kornilov, L. A. Kasharina
Graphene in various composition and morphologies are widely used in various research works. In this work we try to use the high electrical conductivity and high optical transmission of graphene for making optical transmitting conductive films. We investigated the influence of chemical reducing agents and thermally reducing conditions on reduced graphene oxide thin films surface resistivities which were made by spin coating method. Investigated optical transmission, surface morphology, chemical bond structure, surface resistivity and thickness of reduced graphene oxide thin films. In this research work has been established that samples of graphene oxide thin films which reduced in ammonium vapors have much smaller surface resistivity than samples of graphene oxide thin films which reduced in hydrazine-hydrate vapors. The results indicated that transparent reduced graphene oxide thin films have surface resistivities from 7,7 to 26,77 kOm/□, transparence from 74 to 88 % and thickness from 10 to 60 nm, which can find application in photovoltaics or sensing electronics.
Key words: graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, thin films.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-5-12
Kornilov Denis — LLC “AkKo Lab” (129110, Moscow, 65 Gilyarovsky st.), Ph.D., head of the laboratory, specialist in the field of inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry. E-mail:
Kasharina Lesya — LLC “AkKo Lab” (129110, Moscow, 65 Gilyarovsky st.), Ph.D., specialist in the field of physical chemistry. E-mail:
Reference citing
Kornilov D. Yu., Kasharina L. A. Vliyanie uslovij naneseniya i vosstanovleniya na udel'noe poverhnostnoe ehlektricheskoe soprotivlenie tonkih plenok, poluchennyh iz dispersii oksida grafena [Preparation of graphene oxide thin films by spin coating method and influence of chemical reducing agents and thermally reducing conditions on reduced graphene oxide thin films surface resistivities]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 5 – 12. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-5-12
Comparison of impregnated bone morphogenetic
protein-2 release kinetics from biopolymer scaffolds
A. V. Vasilyev, T. B. Bukharova, V. S. Kuznetsova, Yu. D. Zagoskin, S. A. Minaeva, T. E. Grigoriev, E. N. Antonov, E. O. Osidak,
E. V. Galitsyna, I. I. Babichenko,
S. P. Domogatsky, V. K. Popov, S. N. Chvalun, D. V. Goldshtein, A. A. Kulakov
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the release kinetics of impregnated recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) from different engineered scaffolds. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) matrices prepared by supercritical fluid technologies (SCFT) shown the highest biocompatibility and long-term of the rhBMP-2 release. There was an even release of rhBMP-2 from them for 11 days. The subsequent use of laser sintering allows delaying the peak of the protein release for a period of 13 to 15 days. The average loss of rhBMP-2 using SCFT did not exceed 20%. Maximum release of rhBMP-2 from a collagen-fibronectin hydrogel was at the period from 4 to 6 days. But 47 ± 12% rhBMP-2 loss was shown. Highly porous polylactide-based scaffolds obtained by freeze-drying were inferior to other scaffolds in their ability to release rhBMP-2 for a prolonged period. The hydrogel and chitosan-based granules showed high cytotoxicity and a short period of protein release.
Keywords: supercritical fluid technologies, laser sintering, freeze-drying, poly (lactide-co-glycolide), polylactide, chitosan, collagen-fibronectin hydrogel, rhBMP-2, cytotoxicity, adhesion.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-13-27
Vasilyev Andrey — Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (119021 Moscow, T. Frunze St., 16), PhD (medicine), senior researcher of General Pathology department, expert in the field of histology and cellular biology of bone tissue. E-mail:
Bukharova Tatiana — Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Centre for Medical Genetics” (115522 Moscow, Moskvorechie St., 1), PhD (biology), leading researcher, expert in cell technologies and tissue engineering. E-mail:
Kuznetsova Valeria — Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, (119021 Moscow, T. Frunze St., 16), PhD student (medicine), researcher in the field of preclinical testing of osteoplastic materials. E-mail:
Zagoskin Yuriy — National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (123182 Moscow, Akademika Kurchatova Pl., 1), PhD student, engineer-researcher, expert in the field of nanobiomaterials and structures. E-mail:
Minaeva Svetlana — Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences (142190 Moscow, Troitsk, Pionerskaya st., 2), junior researcher, expert in the field of Raman spectroscopy and laser assisted technologies. E-mail:
Grigoriev Timofei — National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (123182 Moscow, Akademika Kurchatova Pl., 1), PhD (Phys-Math), Deputy director for science of Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature — Like Technologies, expert in polymer science. E-mail:
Antonov Evgeny — Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences (142190 Moscow, Troitsk, Pionerskaya St., 2), PhD (phys-math), leading researcher, expert for scopes of laser and supercritical fluid technologies in biomedicine. E-mail:
Osidak Egor — Imtek Company Ltd. (3rd Cherepkovskaya St. 15-a, Moscow), PhD (biology), leading researcher, expert in immunology and biophysics. E-mail:
Galitsyna Elena — Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Centre for Medical Genetics” (115522 Moscow, Moskvorechie St., 1), PhD student (biology), junior researcher, specialist in gene and cell technologies. E-mail:
Babichenko Igor — Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (119021 Moscow, T. Frunze St., 16), Dr Sci (medicine), professor, head of the department, specialist in the field of immunohistochemistry and maxillofacial pathologies. E-mail:
Domogatsky Sergey — Federal State Institution “Cardiology Research and Production Center”, Ministry of Health of RF (3rd Cherepkovskaya st. 15-a, Moscow), PhD (biology), head of department, expert in immunology and biophysics. E-mail:
Popov Vladimir — Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences (142190 Moscow, Troitsk, Pionerskaya St., 2), Dr Sci (phys-math), head of laboratory, expert in laser and supercritical fluid technologies in biomedicine. E-mail:
Chvalun Sergei — National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (123182 Moscow, Akademika Kurchatova Pl., 1), deputy Director for science of Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature — Like Technologies, Dr Sci (chemistry), professor, expert in the polymer science. E-mail: с
Goldshtein Dmitry — Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Centre for Medical Genetics” (115522 Moscow, Moskvorechie St., 1), Dr Sci (biology), professor, head of laboratory, expert in cell technologies and tissue engineering. E-mail:
Kulakov Anatoliy — Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, (119021 Moscow, T. Frunze St., 16), academician, Dr Sci (medicine), professor, director of the Institute. E-mail:
Reference citing
Vasilyev A. V., Bukharova T. B., Kuznetsova V. S., Zagoskin Yu. D., Minaeva S. A.,
Grigoriev T. E., Antonov E. N., Osidak E. O., Galitsyna E. V., Babichenko I. I.,
Domogatsky S. P., Popov V. K., Chvalun S. N., Goldshtein D. V., Kulakov A. A. Sravnenie kinetiki vysvobozhdeniya impregnirovannogo kostnogo morfogeneticheskogo belka-2 iz biopolimernyh matriksov [Comparison of impregnated bone morphogenetic protein-2 release kinetics from biopolymer scaffolds]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 13 – 27. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-13-27
Cermet plasma coatings based on silicon carbide
V. I. Kalita, A. A. Radyuk, D. I. Komlev, A. B. Mikhailova,
A. Yu. Ivannikov, A. V. Alpatov, T. R. Chuyeva,
N. V. Umnova, D. D. Titov
The structure, phase composition and C, O, N content in two cermet coatings sprayed from powders of the initial composition of 30SiC – NiCr and 30SiC – TiNi were studied. The change in the chemical and phase composition was monitored at the stage of obtaining powders and plasma spraying of the coatings. The powder was obtained by mechanical alloying and subsequent sintering of the compact. With mechanical alloying, the content of oxygen and nitrogen increases. When sintering, the content of silicon carbide is reduced by 10 times, silicides are formed, the content of light elements at this stage changed insignificantly. After plasma deposition, the phase composition of the coatings did not qualitatively change with respect to the powder to be sprayed, but nonequilibrium crystalline and amorphous phases were formed and the content of carbon and oxygen decreased. The microhardness of coatings of 10 GPa, when loaded with an indentor of 10 g, was determined by 50 % of the volume fraction of SiC in the initial powder.
Key words: plasma spraying, cermet, SiC, NiCr, TiNi, nozzle to plasma torch, mechanical alloying, microhardness.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-28-39
Kalita Vasilii — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Dr. Sci (Eng), chief scientific officer, specialist in the field of plasma spraying. E-mail:
Radiuk Aleksei — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), junior researcher, specialist in the field of plasma spraying. E-mail:
Komlev Dmitrii — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Ph.D., leading researcher, specialist in the field of plasma spraying. E-mail:
Ivannikov Alexander — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Ph.D, senior researcher, specialist in the field of plasma spraying. E-mail:
Mikhajlova Aleksandra — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Ph.D, senior researcher, specialist in the field of X-ray analysis specialist. E-mail:
Alpatov Alexander — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Ph.D, senior researcher, specialist in the field of diagnostics of materials for the content of light elements. E-mail:
Chueva Tat`iana — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), researcher, specialist in the analysis of nanocrystalline and amorphous alloys.
Umnova Nadezhda — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Ph.D, senior researcher, specialist in the analysis of nanocrystalline and amorphous alloys.
Titov Dmitrii — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), Ph.D, senior researcher, specialist in the field of analysis and technology for the production of ceramic materials.
Reference citing
Kalita V. I., Radyuk A. A., Komlev D. I., Mikhailova A. B., Ivannikov A. Yu.,
Alpatov A. V., Chuyeva T. R., Umnova N. V., Titov D. D. Kermetnye plazmennye pokrytiya na osnove karbida kremniya [Cermet plasma coatings based on silicon carbide]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 28 – 39. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-28-39
Synthetic titanosilikatny additives for special cement composites
V. V. Tyukavkina, L. G. Gerasimova, A. V. Tsyryateva
Influence of powders of titanium-silicate technogenic products of various structure and dispersion on kinetics of curing of a cement stone and the main technical properties is studied. It is shown that titanium-silicate additives play the role of a modifier that accelerates the process of hydration and cement hardening, respectively. Moreover, the higher the specific surface area of the powder, the greater the initial strength of the cement stone. A titanium-silicate product with a maximum high specific surface area (50.2 m2/g) has increased chemical activity, which contributes to an increase in the strength of the cement stone after 1 day of hardening by 39 – 59 %, compared with the control composition. It has been found that the optimum amount of the additive in the composition, in which the cement stone has the maximum strength, is 1 % by weight. It is shown that the presence in the cement stone of the titanium-silicate additive, which has an activity towards photocatalysis, ensures its ability to self-purification. The most intensive degradation of dyes, up to its complete decomposition, is observed in samples modified with a powder with the largest specific surface area. Dependence of the photocatalytic activity on the amount of the additive in the cement stone was not detected. The obtained data can be used in the technology of modern building materials with special properties.
Key words: synthetic titanium-silicate products, modifier, cement building materials, durability, photocatalytic properties.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-40-48
Tyukavkina Vera — Tananaev Institute of Chemistry, Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICT KSC RAS), (184209, Russia, Murmansk region, Apatity, Аcademical city, 26a), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the materials science of building materials. Е-mail:
Gerasimova Lidia — Tananaev Institute of Chemistry, Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICT KSC RAS), (184209, Russia, Murmansk region, Apatity, Аcademical city, 26a), Dr. Sci. (Eng), principal research scientist, specialist in chemistry technologies of titanium-bearing materials. Е-mail:
Tsyryateva Anna — Tananaev Institute of Chemistry, Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICT KSC RAS), (184209, Russia, Murmansk region, Apatity, Аcademical city, 26a), engineer, specialist in the materials science of building materials. Е-mail:
Reference citing
Tyukavkina V. V., Gerasimova L. G., Tsyryateva A. V. Sinteticheskie titanosilikatnye dobavki dlya special'nyh cementnyh kompozitov [Synthetic titanosilikatny additives for special cement composites]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 40 – 48. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-40-48
Influence of low-modulus inclusions of BN
on the Y-TZP ceramic properties
A. S. Buyakov, Yu. A. Mirovoy, S. P. Buyakova
The structure and properties of ceramics based on tetragonal zirconium dioxide with the addition of hexagonal boron nitride low-modulus inclusions are studied. It was found fracture toughness K1C increasing with a low content of h-BN inclusions in ceramics (Y-TZP) (h-BN). The greatest K1C = 12 ± 0,53 MPa·m1/2 showed ceramic (Y-TZP) 0.5 wt. % (h-BN). Fracture toughness increasing with h-BN low-modulus inclusions introducing into the ceramic matrix is due to the action of two dissipative mechanisms-ZrO2 martensitic transformation and the crack inhibition on the relatively weak interphase matrix-inclusion boundaries. With the increasing of h-BN content, the contribution of the martensitic transformation to the fracture toughness decreases, which is associated with a decrease in zirconia tetragonal phase grain size and, accordingly, with its transition to a stable state.
Keywords: Ceramics, composite, crack resistance, dissipative structure, multilevel hardening, zirconia, boron nitride.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-49-56
Buyakov Ales — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2 Akademicheskii pr., Tomsk, 634055, 2/4), engineer; Physical-Technical Faculty of the National Research Tomsk State University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 36), graduate student; School of New Production Technologies of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 30), assistant, specialist in the field of materials science, ceramics and ceramic composites, strength and reliability of structures. E-mail:
Mirovoj Yuri — School of New Production Technologies of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 30), assistant, specialist in the field of heteromodule composite materials, self-lubricating ceramic materials, polyphase ceramics. E-mail:
Buyakova Svetlana — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2 Akademicheskii pr., Tomsk, 634055, 2/4), Dr Sci (Eng), Chief researcher; Physico-Technical Faculty of the National Research Tomsk State University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 36) professor; School of New Production Technology of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 30), professor, specialist in the field of materials science, ceramics and ceramic composites, strength and reliability of structures. E-mail:
Reference citing
Buyakov A. S., Mirovoy Yu. A., Buyakova S. P. Vliyanie nizkomodul'nyh vklyuchenij BN na svojstva Y-TZP keramiki [Influence of low-modulus inclusions of BN on the Y-TZP ceramic properties]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 49 – 56. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-49-56
Formation of VT6 titanium alloy surface layers by ion-beam mixing of carbon nanofilms
V. L. Vorobyov, A. A. Kolotov, A. L. Ulyanov, F. Z. Gilmutdinov,
P. V. Bykov, S. G. Bystrov, V. Ya. Bayankin
The influence of ion-beam mixing of carbon on the surface morphology, chemical composition, atomic structure and microhardness of the surface layers of samples of titanium alloy VT6 is investigated. It is found that the conditions for the formation of titanium carbides in the transition layer of the film/substrate system are created during ion-beam mixing. The formation of titanium carbides, as with the stoichiometric ratio, and the non-stoichiometric ratio of the components is occurred. With increasing irradiation dose the content of titanium carbides is increased and at 4·1017 ion/cm2 dose is reached 20 at. %. The mutual penetration of carbon atoms into the target and the target atoms, mainly titanium, into the film is evinced with mixing. However, a thin surface layer about 20 nm deep is remained, mainly composed of carbon atoms. It is shown that carbon atoms in this layer are contained in disordered state with both sp2 and sp3 hybridization of C-C bonds. Formation of titanium carbides in the transition layer and disordered carbon structure on the surface of the film during ion-beam mixings is deterined hardening of the surface layer and, as a result, an increase in the microhardness of the samples by 100 % or more. It is shown that the growth of microhardness is associated with the layer formed as a result of mixing, and not the influence of irradiation on the titanium alloy substrate.
Keywords: ion-beam mixing, carbon nanofilms, titanium carbide, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-57-66
Vorobyov Vasily — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of ion implantation and X-ray spectroscopy. E-mail:
Kolotov Andrey — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in the field of ions implant in metal non-equilibrium systems. E-mail:
Ulyanov Alexander — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in the field of mechanical activation and Mossbauer spectroscopy. E-mail:
Gilmutdinov Faat — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in the field of X-ray spectroscopy. E-mail:
Bykov Pavel — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of ion implantation. E-mail:
Bystrov Sergey — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), PhD (Chem), senior researcher, specialist in the field of polymer composite materials. E-mail:
Bayankin Vladimir — Udmurt Federal Research center of the Ural branch of the RAS (Izhevsk, 426067, T. Baramzinoy str., 34), Dr Sci (Eng), chief researcher, specialist in the field of surface segregation in metal systems under external influences. E-mail:
Reference citing
Vorobyov V. L., Kolotov A. A., Ulyanov A. L., Gilmutdinov F. Z., Bykov P. V., Bystrov S. G., Bayankin V. Ya. Formirovanie poverhnostnyh sloyov titanovogo splava VT6 ionno-luchevym peremeshivaniem nanoplenki ugleroda [Formation of VT6 titanium alloy surface layers by ion-beam mixing of carbon nanofilms]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 57 – 66. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-57-66
Gas extrusion of superconducting materials
powders in metal shell
V. D. Berbentsov
To obtain conductors (wire) with a superconducting internal filling in a metal shell, a process of high-temperature gas extrusion (HTGE) with local heating, developed at the Institute of high-pressure physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was applied. Powders of superconducting materials (Fuse and BaFe0.4Ni0.1As2) was filled in the cavity of axial drilling of different diameters, made in metal rods (steel and brass with a diameter of 10mm) with periodic ramming. The cavities were sealed with a plug. The resulting composite billets were extruded through matrices with an output diameter of 2 mm and different angles of the output cone (60 ° and 20°) at different pressures and extrusion temperatures. On the obtained wire samples with a diameter of 2 mm, the state of the surface and the structure of the internal filling were studied. On samples with a brass shell surface defects were found, the degree of defects of the internal filling decreases with increasing gas pressure and lower extrusion temperature, as well as with a decrease in the diameter of the initial cavity of axial drilling and the angle of the output cone of the matrix. Installed.conditions for obtaining conductors with a defect-free surface, with a maximum density of the internal filling and a constant size of the filling along the length of the wire.
Keywords: gas extrusion, pressure, temperature, deformation, powders, superconductors, composite billet, filling, defects, superconducting wire.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-67-72
Berbentsev Vladimir — Institute of High Pressure Physics named after L.F. Vereshagin RAN (Moscow, Troitsk, Kaluga highway p. 14), lead engineer, technologist, specialist in the field of metals treatment by pressure. E-mail:
Reference citing
Berbentsov V. D. Obrabotka gazoehkstruziej poroshkov sverhprovodyashchih materialov v metallicheskoj obolochke [Gas extrusion of superconducting materials powders in metal shell]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 67 – 72. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-67-72
Current state and prospect for recycling of Waelz slag from electric arc furnace dust processing
P. I. Grudinsky, D. V. Zinoveev, V. G. Dyubanov, P. A. Kozlov
The processing of electric arc furnace dust by the Waelz process forms the iron-containing residue called Waelz slag. In the paper, best practices for recycling of Waelz slag from electric arc furnace dust processing have been analyzed and physicochemical characteristics and microstructure of the Waelz slag obtained from JSC “Chelyabinsk zinc plant” have been investigated. Chemical analysis of the Waelz slag composition has shown that it contains 26.4 % of iron with a metallization degree of 47 % and 18.7 % carbon. It also contains about 1 % of zinc unevaporated during Waelz process. It has a complex multicomponent mineralogical composition. Analysis of papers has shown that currently Waelz slag recycles mainly in the construction industry in the production of cement, concrete, bricks and for road making. There is a limited number of papers devoted to recycling of Waelz slag in metallurgy because it contains too high values of contaminants such as zinc, lead, sulfur, phosphorus and copper. It is expedient to apply for recycling of Waelz slag the reduction smelting with obtaining of pig iron, slag suitable for construction industry and zinc-lead fume.
Keywords: Waelz slag, Waelz process, Waelz furnace, electric arc furnace dust.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-73-83
Grudinsky Pavel — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Leninsky avenue 49, Moscow, 119334, Russia), junior researcher, specialist in the field of industrial waste recycling. E-mail:
Zinoveev Dmitry — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (Leninsky avenue 49, Moscow, 119334, Russia), junior research scientist, specialist in the field of industrial waste recycling. E-mail:
Dyubanov Valery — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS, (Leninsky avenue 49, Moscow, 119334, Russia), PhD (Eng), leading researcher, specialist in the field of ferrous metallurgy. E-mail:
Kozlov Pavel — Non-State Educational Private Institution of Higher Education “Technical University UGMK” (Uspensky avenue 3, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk oblast, 624091, Russia), Dr Sci (Eng), deputy director of research, specialist in the field of nonferrous metallurgy. E-mail:
Reference citing
Grudinsky P. I., Zinoveev D. V., Dyubanov V. G., Kozlov P. A. Sovremennoe sostoyanie, perspektivy pererabotki i utilizacii klinkera vel'cevaniya cinksoderzhashchej pyli ot ehlektrodugovoj plavki stali [Current state and prospect for recycling of Waelz slag from electric arc furnace dust processing]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2019, no. 4, pp. 73 – 83. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2019-4-73-83