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Obtaining of specified effective mechanical,
thermal and electrical characteristics of composite filled with dispersive materials

S. A. Bochkareva, N. Yu. Grishaeva, B. A. Lyukshin, P. A. Lyukshin,
N. Yu. Matolygina, I. L. Panov

We propose a governing approach parameters (phase composition, phase properties, internal geometry), giving the material specified effective properties or hit them at a predetermined interval. In line with this approach, on the basis of a decision of a limited number of direct problems (modeling tasks) that define effective performance on specified composition and structure, the State space are constructed corresponding response surface electrical, thermal and deformation-strength properties to the values of the parameters governing. As the latter, in addition to the physical-mechanical properties, taken the degree of filling of composition reinforcing inclusions and average radius inclusions compact form. Surface analysis to determine whether there is a solution for the specified range of the specified effective characteristics, and if there is one area of governing values specify the parameters. If necessary to ensure simultaneous receipt for the material as an effective thermal, electrical and deformation-strength properties of governing values of parameters are the intersection of the relevant areas. The proposed method obviously can be extended to multiphase materials.

Key words: dispersed-filled compositions, efficient mechanical characteristics, thermal characteristics, dielectric constant, specified properties.

Bochkareva Svetlana — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia), PhD (Phys-math), researcher, specialist in the field mechanics of deformable solids. E-mail:

Grishaeva Natalia — Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
(40, Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia), PhD (Phys-math), associate professor at the Department of mechanics and graphics, specialist in the field mechanics of deformable solids. E-mail:

Lyukshin Boris — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia), Dr Sci (eng), leading researcher, specialist in the field mechanics of deformable solids. E-mail:

Lyukshin Petr — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia), PhD
(Phys-math), senior researcher, specialist in the field mechanics of deformable solids. E-mail:

Matolygina Natalia — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia), candidate of Physico-mathematical sciences, researcher, specialist in the field mechanics of deformable solids. E-mail:

Panov Ilia — National Research Tomsk State University, (36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia), magistracy, specialist in the field of applied mechanics. E-mail:

Reference citing

Bochkareva S. A., Grishaeva N. Yu., Lyukshin B. A., Lyukshin P. A.,
Matolygina N. Yu., Panov I. L. Poluchenie zadannyh ehffektivnyh mekhanicheskih, teplofizicheskih i ehlektricheskih harakteristik kompozicionnyh dispersno napolnennyh materialov [Obtaining of specified effective mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of composite filled with dispersive materials]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 5 – 18.

Mathematical modeling of temperature fields considering kinetics of thick-walled fiberglass plate curing

D. Ya. Barinov, P. S. Marakhovsky, K. E. Kutsevich,
Ye. Yu. Chutskova

In this research we identified the kinetic parameters of the curing adhesive VSK-14-2m. Based on the kinetic parameters the heat power according to selected curing mode in the range of temperatures from 100 to 200 °C has been calculated. A mathematical model of heat transfer in the thick fiberglass boards has been proposed. The difference between the temperature of the outer and mid layers of the plate and temperature gradients on the plate thickness has been revealed. It observed a large difference in temperature of the surface and the middle layers of a  plate (30 °C) and temperature gradients in layers (more than 7 K/mm), resulting in reduction of mechanical characteristics. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data on the temperature distribution of the plate thickness has been performed, the correlation is 99.5 %.

Keywords: mathematical model, polymers, curing, thermal properties, curing kinetics.

Barinov Dmitriy — All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (17, Radio Street, Moscow 105005), engineer, specialist in field of thermo-physical properties researching, mathematical modeling. E-mail:

Marakhovskii Petr — All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (17, Radio Street, Moscow 105005), engineer 1st category, specialist in field of thermal properties researching. E-mail:

Kutsevich Kirill — All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (17, Radio Street, Moscow 105005), chief engineer, specialist field of creation of polymer composite materials. E-mail:

Chutskova Yevgeniya — All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (17, Radio Street, Moscow 105005), engineer, specialist in field of thermo-physical properties researching. E-mail:

Reference citing

Barinov D. Ya., Marakhovsky P. S., Kutsevich K. E., Chutskova Ye. Yu. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie temperaturnyh polej s uchetom kinetiki otverzhdeniya tolstostennoj plity stekloplastika [Mathematical modeling of temperature fields considering kinetics of thick-walled fiberglass plate curing]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 19 – 28.

Optical properties of TlIn1 – xGaxSe2 solid solutions

E. M. Gojaev, S. Kh. Agayeva, Sh. V. Alieva,
A. G. Gasanova, R. S. Rahimov

In this paper by method of Bridgman – Stockbarger were grown single crystals of alloys TlIn1 – xGaxSe2 system, by the atomic- force microscopy investigated the micro-relief surfaces, were obtained surface and three-dimensional images of single crystals. It was revealed that the crystals are well formed and the surface favorable for optical investigations without any further processing. According to the energy dependence of the transmission and reflection coefficients calculated optical absorption coefficients of single crystals TlIn1 – xGaxSe2 at different temperatures. From the data obtained was determined energy of direct and indirect transitions, as well as the band gap of single crystals TlIn1 – xGaxSe2. It was found that the investigated crystals are indirect - gap semiconductors. It was found that the band gap of zone of solid solution decreases monotonically with the partial replacement of the gallium atoms to the indium atoms in the lattice TlGaSe2. The experimental results are explained by the solid solutions on the basis of the starting compounds of the band structure of this system.

Keywords: optical absorption, solid solutions TlIn1 – xGaxSe2, micro-relief surface, the direct and indirect transitions, the band structure, the Urbach rule.

Gojaev Eldar Mehrali ogly — Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan, Baku, H. Javidave. 25, AZ 1073), DrScie (Phys-Math), professor, head of Department of Physics, specialist in the field of physics of semiconductors and dielectrics, physics and technology of nanostructures. E-mail:

Agaeva Sevda Xasay gizi — National Academy of Aviation of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan, Baku, Khazar region, AZ 1045), PhD (Phys-Math), associate professor, specialist in the field of solid state physics. Е-mail:

Alieva Sharafkhanim Vagif gizi — Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan, Baku,
H. Javid ave. 25, AZ 1073), PhD (Phys-Math), specialist in the field of physics and technology of nanostructures. Е-mail:

Hasanova Amaliya Gazanfar gizi — Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan, Baku,
H. Javid ave. 25, AZ 1073), PhD (Phys-Math), specialist in the field of physics of polymers. Е-mail: hesenova.amaliya72@

Ragimov Rasul Sefter ogly — Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan, Baku,
H. Javid ave. 25, AZ 1073), PhD (Eng), specialist in the field of thermal physics. Е-mail:

Reference citing

Gojaev E. M., Agayeva S. Kh., Alieva Sh. V., Gasanova A. G., Rahimov R. S. Opticheskie svojstva tverdyh rastvorov TlIn1 – xGaxSe2 [Optical properties of TlIn1 – xGaxSe2 solid solutions]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 29 – 37.

Methylcellulose based films for medical applications

I. V. Fadeeva, E. S. Trofimchuk, E. V. Rogatkina,
G. A. Davydova, I. I. Selezneva,
O. S. Antonova, S. K. Dedushenko, Yu. D. Perfil’ev, S. M. Barinov

Films based on blends of methylcellulose (MC) and sodium alginate for medical usage were developed. Films were partially crosslinked with copper, zinc, aluminium, iron and barium chlorides in order to decrease their solubility. This operation led to increase stability in water solutions significantly as well as to improve mechanical properties. These films can be used as the perspective base for biomedical composite materials. Cell sowing on the films surface and their viability investigation (direct contact method) gave the opinion to establish the luck of toxic effect of both non-cross-linked and crosslinked films. The films crosslinked with copper and aluminium chlorides demonstrated acute cytotoxicity. The results of in vitro testing of a film-based on MC with sodium alginate, partially cross-linked with barium chloride, may be deemed biocompatible.

Key words: methylcellulose, sodium alginate, films.

Fadeeva Inna — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, RAS (119334, Leninsky avenue, 49, Moscow, Russia), leading researcher, PhD, specialist in the field of inorganic chemistry and materials in medicine. E-mail:

Trofimchuk Elena — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Lomonosov MSU, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia), senior researcher, specialist in the field of macromolecular chemistry. E-mail:

Rogatkina Ekaterina — Moscow Technological University (MIREA, 119571, Vernadsky avenue, 86, Moscow, Russia), student. E-mail:

Davidova Galina — Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of RAS (Institutskaya 3, Puschino, Moscow reg., 142290 Russia), senior researcher, specialist in the field of cell growth. E-mail:

Selezneva Irina — Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of RAS (Institutskaya 3, Puschino, Moscow reg., 142290 Russia), chief researcher, specialist in the field of cell growth. E-mail:

Dedushenko Sergey — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Lomonosov MSU, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia), senior researcher, specialist in the field of inorganic chemistry. E-mail:

Antonova Olga — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, RAS (119334, Leninsky avenue, 49, Moscow, Russia), leading researcher, PhD, specialist in the field of electron microscopy. E-mail:

Perfiliev Yury — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Lomonosov MSU, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia), general researcher, specialist in the field of physical chemistry and radiochemistry. E-mail:

Barinov Sergey — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, RAS (119334, Leninsky avenue, 49, Moscow, Russia), corr.-member RAS, DrSci, general researcher, specialist in the field of materials in medicine. E-mail:

Reference citing

Fadeeva I. V., Trofimchuk E. S., Rogatkina E. V., Davydova G. A., Selezneva I. I.,
Antonova O. S., Dedushenko S. K., Perfil’ev Yu. D., Barinov S. M. Plyonki na osnove metilcellyulozy dlya primeneniya v medicine [Methylcellulose based films for medical applications]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 38 – 44.

Effect of supplementation different hydrophobic silicas
on the stability of foams

N. Sh. Lebedevа, N. A. Taratanov, E. V. Barinova, O. V. Potemkina

In this paper we investigated two types of silicas obtained by the Sol-gel synthesis (silica 1) and Sol-gel synthesis of endo-templates (fructose) (silica 2). In the first phase of work was evaluated the surface characteristics of the synthesized silicas. Area measurement and pore volume of silica samples showed that the surface of the silica 2 has a narrow slit-like pores, and the pore size is 3,15 – 3,17 nm. Thermochemical studies of silica had a content of hydroxyl groups per 1 g of silica more in the case of silica synthesized by endo-template technology. The obtained data on the texture parameters and chemical activity of the surface was used in the study of systems containing surfactant and silica in aqueous media. Common for particles synthesized silica is that form particles in the solutions remains spherical and the Zeta potential decreases. Moreover, the neutralization of the surface charge of silica is 2 to a greater extent than the neutralization of the charge on the surface of silica particles 1. The greatest practical interest may be the pre-foaming solution with the addition of silica is 2, because in this solution was recorded maximum lifetime.

Keywords: silica, the method of Stober, fire extinguishing, foam stability.

Lebedeva Natalia — Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of State Firefighting Service of Ministry of RF for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Russia, 153040, Ivanovo, pr. Stroiteley, 33), Dr Sci (Chem), professor of chemistry, burning and explosion, specialist in the field of physical chemistry of solutions of macrocyclic compounds. E-mail:

Taratanov Nikolay — Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of State Firefighting Service of Ministry of RF for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Russia, 153040, Ivanovo, pr. Stroiteley, 33), PhD (chem), senior lecturer of the Department of state supervision and examination of fire (composed ESC State supervision), captain of internal service, specialist in the field of functional composite materials, radar absorbing materials, ceramic materials, nanomaterials, catalytic systems, magnetic materials, polymer materials. E-mail:

Barinova Elena — Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of State Firefighting Service of Ministry of RF for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Russia, 153040, Ivanovo, pr. Stroiteley, 33), PhD (chem), researcher NIO ESC “State supervision”, major of internal service, specialist in the field of physical chemistry. E-mail:

Potemkina Olga — Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of State Firefighting Service of Ministry of RF for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Russia, 153040, Ivanovo, pr. Stroiteley, 33), PhD (chem), Deputy head for academic affairs, lieutenant colonel of internal service, expert in the field of organic chemistry.

Reference citing

Lebedevа N. Sh., Taratanov N. A., Barinova E. V., Potemkina O. V. Vliyanie dobavok kremnezemov razlichnoj gidrofobnosti na ustojchivost' pen dlya pozharotusheniya [Effect of supplementation different hydrophobic silicas on the stability of foams]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 45 – 55.

Determination of optimal ratio of carbon and vanadium
in high-speed steel for achieving maximum hardness

V. I. Antipov, L. V. Vinogradov, J. A. Lukina, A. G. Kolmakov,
D. I. Doronin, E. E. Baranov

Conditions of achievement of high hardness of high-speed steel EP-682-Sh-type are considered. Reasons of possible decline of hardness of instrument are set after standard heat treatment, and also the researches of technological receptions of achievement and stabilizing of hardness are conducted at the level of 68 – 69 HRC. The conclusion is done, that the generally accepted procedure of heat treatment, including tempering of instrument at 1230 °С in butter with the subsequent triple annealing on air at 560 °С during one hour, increases hardness of steel ЭП-682-Ш insignificantly. It is shown that the dispersible carbides of temper bring a basic contribution to the receipt of high hardness. Thus correlation of carbon and vanadium C/V in chemical composition of steel must be within 0,40 – 0,45 range. Also, for the increase of hardness of steel ЭП-682-Ш, it is recommended to decrease the lower limit of maintenance of vanadium to 2,8 %, and to promote maintenance of carbon to 1,25 – 1,35 %. It is set that a certain contribution to the increase of hardness is brought in by the dispersible particles of primary carbides of ledeburite eutectic and intermetallic type of Cox(W, Mo)y. For verification of the got conclusions experimental party of high-speed steel ЭП-682-Ш was smelted with the lowered maintenance of vanadium and correlation of C/V = 0,45. After heat treatment (hardening after heating to 1230 °C in butter with subsequent one hour temper in air at 560 °C), hardness of cuttings plates, made from this steel, appeared equal 68,5 – 69,0 HRC.

Keywords: high-speed steel, concentration, hardness, carbides.

Antipov Valerij — A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences (IMET RAS, 49 Leninskiy pr., 119334 Moscow, Russia), PhD (eng), senior scientific worker, specialist in the field of powder metallurgy, coverings and composite materials. E-mail:

Vinogradov Leonid — A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences (IMET RAS, 49 Leninskiy pr., 119334 Moscow, Russia), PhD (eng), senior research worker, specialist in the field of powder metallurgy, coverings and composite materials. E-mail:

Lukina Julia — A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences (IMET RAS, 49 Leninskiy pr., 119334 Moscow, Russia), graduate student, specialist in area of adaptive-metal and heat treatment of metals. E-mail:

Kolmakov Alexey — A.A.Baikov IMET RASciences (Moscow, 119991 ГСП-1, Leninskiy pr. 49, Russia), Dr.Sci (Eng), corresponding member of RAS, deputy director, specialist in the field of composition and nanomaterials, multifractal analysis, synergetrics. E-mail:

Doronin Dmitry — LTD “Caldron-project company” (144003, Elektrostal’, Chernyshevski st. 42), deputy of director, specialist in area of adaptive-metal. E-mail:

Baranov Eugeniy — A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences (IMET RAS, 49 Leninskiy pr., 119334 Moscow, Russia), research worker, specialist in area of materials science and physics of metals. E-mail:

Reference citing

Antipov V. I., Vinogradov L. V., Lukina J. A., Kolmakov A. G., Doronin D. I., Baranov E. E. Poisk optimal'nogo sootnosheniya ugleroda i vanadiya v sostave bystrorezhushchej stali EHP-682-SH s cel'yu dostizheniya maksimal'noj tvyordosti [Determination of optimal ratio of carbon and vanadium in high-speed steel for achieving maximum hardness]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 56 – 60.

Estimating the average size of crystallites and microstresses in mechanically alloyed
composite Al – 15 wt. % (Ni – Ln)

I. I. Tipikina, Yu. V. Kuzmich, S. А. Kotov, S. V. Ganin

The behavior of crystallites in a mechanically doped aluminum-based composite alloy annealed at 300 – 500 °С has been investigated. In alloying of aluminium substrate, the dope additive contained nickel, aluminum and rare-earth element intermetallides. The target alloy contained 15 wt. % dope additive. The results of XRD analysis of the composite samples are presented. The average size of the Al and Al5CeNi2 crystallites in three states, i.e. after mechanical alloying and after annealing at 300 and
500 °С has been estimated by extrapolating the dependence of converted broadening b*(2θ) on the magnitude of the scattering vector s to zero scattering vector. Variation of microstresses emerging during annealing at different temperatures has been estimated. The average microstress value e was determined from the slope angle j of the dependence of converted broadening on the magnitude of the scattering vector. The microstresses emerging in the alloy manifest themselves in the character of diffraction reflexes behavior in XRD patterns showing as varying intensity and broadening of reflexes. When investigating the annealing process of composite mechanically doped alloy, which is under stress after the high-energy impact followed by compaction, we observed a considerable stress relief in the crystals. In the examined temperature range, the microstresses were observed to almost totally disappear at about 500 °С. It was discovered that hot pressing of a composite aluminum-based alloy, doped with an experimentally tested hardener does not produce any microstresses.

Кeywords: mechanically alloyed composites, microstress, annealing, aluminium, rare-earth metals, intermetallic compounds.

Тipikina Irina — Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29), post-graduate student, specialist in powder metallurgy.

Кuzmich Yury — I.V.Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of the Kola Science Center of RAS (14, Fersman str., Apatity, Murmansk reg., Russia 184209), Ph.D (Chem), head of the laboratory, specialist in powder metallurgy. E-mail:

Kotov Sergey — Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29), associate professor, PhD (Eng), specialist in powder metallurgy.

Ganin Sergey — Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29), PhD (Eng), associate professor, specialist in compaction of powder materials.

Reference citing

Tipikina I. I., Kuzmich Yu. V., Kotov S. А., Ganin S. V. Ocenka srednego razmera kristallitov i mikronapryazhenij v mekhanicheski legirovannom splave Al – 15 mass. % (Ni – Ln) [Estimating the average size of crystallites and microstresses in mechanically alloyed composite Al – 15 wt. % (Ni – Ln)]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 61 – 69.

Underpotential deposition of nickel and its influence on properties of electrodeposited coating

D. A. Legkaya, N. D. Solov’eva

In article underpotential deposition of nickel on a steel substrate (steel 3) in the acidic electrolyte composition: NiSO4·7 H2O — 140 g/l, NiCl2·6 H2O — 70 g/l, H3BO3 — 25 g/l; NiSO4·7 H2O — 140 g/l, NiCl2·6 H2O — 70 g/l, H3BO3 — 25 g/l additive RADO 2 ml/l at 25 °C. The optimal time underpotential deposition of nickel to 1 minute. The effect of the pre-modified surface of steel by underpotential deposition kinetics of deposition of nickel from nickel sulphate electrolyte and on the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the resulting nickel coatings. A study in the displacement contact nickel electrolytes studied. It was established that the additive RADO adsorbed on the electrode surface at its cathodic polarization.

Keywords: plating, nickel plating, underpotential deposition, surfactant adsorption, microhardness, current efficiency, corrosion resistance.

Legkaya Darya — Engel’s technological institute, branch of Saratov State technical university named after Gagarin Y.A. (17 Svoboda sq., 413100 Engels, Saratov reg., Russia), postgraduate student. E-mail:

Solov’eva Nina — Engel’s technological institute, branch of Saratov State technical uiuversity named after Gagarin Y.A. (17 Svoboda sq., 413100 Engels, Saratov reg., Russia), Dr Sci (Eng), professor, specialist in electrodeposition of metals, alloys, composition: electrochemical coatings and solutions of electrolytes. E-mail:

Reference citing

Legkaya D. A., Solov’eva N. D. Dofazovoe osazhdenie nikelya i ego vliyanie na svojstva ehlektroosazhdaemogo pokrytiya [Underpotential deposition of nickel and its influence on properties of electrodeposited coating]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 5, pp. 70 – 75.

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