2022, No.7
Influence of the power supply mode
of leds on the resistance
to exposure to gamma quants
A. V. Gradoboev, K. N. Orlova, V. V. Sednev, F. F. Zhamaldinov
The paper presents results of a study of the influence of active and passive power modes on the resistance to gamma-quantum irradiation of the LED manufactured on the basis of AlGaAs multilayer heterostructures. Three characteristic stages of radiation power reduction are distinguished for the studied LEDs irrespective of irradiation supply mode. In this case, the second stage is described by a higher damage factor and the third stage is distinguished by the appearance of catastrophic failures. Two differently directed processes of radiation power variation are observed during the irradiation of LED in active modes. It is supposed that the first process is caused by the power reduction of LED emission due to the injection of the corresponding radiation defects. The second process is caused by a partial recovery of the emission power due to radiation, radiation-thermal, and/or electrostimulated annealing of a portion of the defects created. The observed recovery of the radiation power in the active supply mode of the LEDs during irradiation significantly increases their resistance to gamma-quantum irradiation.
Keywords: LED, heterostructures, AlGaAs, gamma quanta, power supply.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-5-13
Gradoboev Alexander — Tomsk Polytechnic University (Lenin avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia), school of nuclear science & engineering, Dr Sci (Eng), professor of department of Experimental physics; JSСResearch institute of semiconductor devices (634034, Tomsk, Russia, Krasnoarmeyskaya street 99a), leading researcher, specialist in the field of research and testing of semiconductors and semiconductor devices. E-mail:
Orlova Ksenia — National Research Nuclear University (MEPHI) (115409, Moscow, Russia, Kashirskoe highway, 31) Department of nuclear physics and technology of the office of educational programs, PhD, specialist in radiation resistance, radiation safety and radiation effects in solids. E-mail:
Sednev Vyacheslav — JSС Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices (634034, Tomsk, Russia, Krasnoarmeyskaya street 99a), head of the laboratory for special tests, specialist in the field of testing semiconductor technology to the effects of ionizing radiation. E-mail:
Zhamaldinov Fail — Tomsk Polytechnic University (Lenina avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia), School of nuclear science & engineering, PhD student. E-mail:
Gradoboev A.V., Orlova K.N., Sednev V.V., Zhamaldinov F.F. Vliyanie rezhima pitaniya svetodiodov na stojkost' k vozdejstviyu gamma-kvantov [Influence of the power supply mode of leds on the resistance to exposure to gamma quants]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 5 – 13. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-5-13
Oxygen electrocatalytic reduction
on glass-carbon electrodes coated with polyporphyrin
films based on metal complexes
of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3-aminophenyl)porphyrin
M. V. Tesakova, S. M. Kuzmin, V. I. Parfenyuk
Carbon-based materials are widespread and promising in areas such as electrochemical and electrocatalytic power generation and can be excellent choices for use as electrode substrates. To increase the efficiency of using carbonaceous materials, the surface of the electrodes is modified with metal complexes of phthalocyanines and porphyrins with electrocatalytic properties. In this work polyporphyrin coatings were obtained on a glassy carbon electrode based on individual metal complexes of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3-aminophenyl)porphyrin and a composite based on two metal complexes Fe and Mn. Polymerization was carried out by the electrochemical method in the region of positive values of the potential in the potentiodynamic mode. Electrodeposited polyporphyrin coatings have a developed surface and exhibit catalytic activity in the reaction of oxygen electroreduction. The results of evaluating the catalytic activity of polyporphyrins obtained by various methods are in good agreement with each other and indicate a higher catalytic activity of a composite based on two metal complexes compared to films of individual porphyrins, which suggests the presence of a synergistic effect. Based on the results of our research, we propose potential directions for the creation of electrodes based on glassy carbon modified with polyporphyrins for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction.
Keywords:polyporphyrin coatings, substituted tetraphenylporphyrins, electropolymerization, electroreduction of oxygen, electrocatalysis.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-14-24
Tesakova Mariya — G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISC RAS, Akademicheskaya St., 1, Ivanovo, 153045, Russia), PhD (Eng), researcher, specialist in electrochemistry and material science. E-mail:
Kuzmin Sergey — G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISC RAS, Akademicheskaya St., 1, Ivanovo, 153045, Russia), PhD (Chem), senior researcher, specialist in electrochemistry and material science. E-mail:
Parfenyuk Vladimir — G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISC RAS, Akademicheskaya St., 1, Ivanovo, 153045, Russia), Dr Sci (Chem), professor, main scientist, specialist in chemistry of materials. E-mail:
Tesakova M.V., Kuzmin S.M., Parfenyuk V.I. Poliporfirinovye pokrytiya na osnove metallokompleksov 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3-aminofenil)porfirina v reakcii elektrokataliticheskogo vosstanovleniya kisloroda [Oxygen electrocatalytic reduction on glass-carbon electrodes coated with polyporphyrin films based on metal complexes of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3-aminophenyl)porphyrin]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 14 – 24. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-14-24
Influence of high porous ceramic material-implant
based on ZrO2–Y2O3–Al2O3system on life activity
M. V. Kalinina, N. Yu. Fedorenko, M. A. Rubina, D. N. Suslov,
Yu. S. Andozhskaya, L. N. Efimova, O. A. Shilova
Nanodispersed xerogels and powders (average size 9 nm) were obtained by co-precipitation of hydroxides in the ZrO2–Y2O3–Al2O3. Solid-state sintering of samples from the initial [(ZrO2)0.97(Y2O3)0.03]0.8(Al2O3)0.2powder with pore-forming additives using a patented technology strong highly porous ceramics was produced. Dopplerography was used to assess the volume of blood flow in arterioles and capillaries on 150 and 250 days after implantation of the plates. Thus, microcirculatory Doppler sonography seems to be a promising intravital method for assessing blood flow in the plate location area and, possibly, inside the plate. It was found that ceramic plates based on zirconium dioxide, placed in the body of experimental animals, do not cause a negative reaction of the animal’s body. The results of studies under in vivo conditions suggest that the obtained bioceramic based on zirconium dioxide is promising for use as a material for endo-prosthetics.
Keywords: zirconium dioxide, coprecipitation, hydroxyapatite, ammonium carbonate, pore-forming additives, porous ceramics, endoprosthetics, microcirculatory Doppler sonography.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-25-34
Kalinina Marina — Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), PhD, senior researcher, specialist in physical and chemical properties of nanocrystalline oxide materials. E-mail:
Fedorenko Nadezhda — Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), PhD, researcher, specialist in the field of synthesis and physicochemical properties of nanocrystalline oxide materials. E-mail:
Rubina Maria —Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), research engineer, carries out the synthesis of powders and production of ceramic materials based on zirconium dioxide. E-mail:
Suslov Dmitrii — Russian scientific center of radiology and surgical technologies named after Acad. A.M. Granov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (197758, St.-Petersburg, pos. Pesochnyi, Leningradskaya str., 70), PhD (Med), leading researcher, specialist in the field of experimental research. E-mail:
Andozhskaya Yuliya — Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University (197022, Saint Petersburg, Lva Tolstogo str. 6-8), Dr. Sci., assistant of the Department of hospital surgery no 2, Specialist in vascular surgery. E-mail:
Shilova Olga —Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), Dr. Sci., professor, chief researcher, acting head of the Laboratory of inorganic synthesis, specialist in the field of physical chemistry and technology of glass-ceramic nanocomposite materials. E-mail:
Kalinina M.V., Fedorenko N.Yu., Rubina M.A., Suslov D.N., Andozhskaya Yu.S., Efimova L.N., Shilova O.A. Vliyanie vysokoporistogo keramicheskogo materiala-implantata na osnove sistemy ZrO2 – Y2O3 – Al2O3 na zhiznennye pokazateli eksperimental'nyh zhivotnyh [Influence of high porous ceramic material-implant based on ZrO2–Y2O3–Al2O3system on life activity]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 25 – 34. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-25-34
Mineral-polymer composite with cation-substituted
calcium phosphates
A. A. Forysenkova, P. V. Slukin, E. S. Trofimchuk,
G. A. Davydova, I. V. Fadeeva
Powders of copper, zinc, manganese-substituted tricalcium phosphates (TCP) were synthesized, the composition and structure of the obtained compounds were studied. It is shown how copper, zinc and manganese ions affect the phase composition and microstructure of powders substituted with TCP. Composite materials based on a blend of polyvinylpyrrolidone with alginate (PVP:ALG) containing copper, zinc, and manganese-substituted TCP have been obtained. The thermal stability and mechanical strength of composite films crosslinked with polyvalent metal ions have been studied. The least strong, but at the same time more thermally stable composites crosslinked with alkaline earth metal ions. The test for cytotoxicity of powders substituted TCP’ extracts and composites showed that the powders and composite materials with them are non-toxic and biocompatible. The study of the antibacterial activity of the materials against the Escherichia coli C600 strain showed that the growth of bacteria was inhibited by the samples containing copper-TCP and zinc-TCP. The composite with manganese-TCP showed no activity against Escherichia coli C600. Composites based on the PVP:ALG blend with copper, zinc-substituted TCP can be considered as materials with an antibacterial effect for use in medicine.
Keywords: cation-substituted tricalcium phosphates, biopolymers, alginate’ cross-linking, antibacterial activity, biocompatibility.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-35-48
Forysenkova Anna — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS (119334 Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 49), graduate student, research engineer of Laboratory of ceramic composite materials. E-mail:
Slukin Pavel — State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Rospotrebnadzor, Department of Molecular Biology (Territory “Quarter A”, Serpukhov, Obolensk, Moscow region, 142279), researcher, PhD, specialist in the field of biological safety. E-mail:
Trofimchuk Elena — Lomonosov Moscow State University Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Macromolecular Compounds (119234 Moscow, Russia, Kolmogorova st., 1, building 3), PhD, researcher, specialist in the field of physical chemistry of polymers. E-mail:
Davydova Galina — Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS (142290 Moscow region, Pushchino, Institutskaya st., 3), PhD, researcher, cell and tissue growth laboratory, specialist in tissue engineering. E-mail:
Fadeeva Inna — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS (119334 Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 49), PhD, leading researcher, specialist in ceramic and composite materials. E-mail:
Forysenkova A.A., Slukin P.V., Trofimchuk E.S., Davydova G.A., Fadeeva I.V. Kompozicionnye mineral-polimernye materialy, soderzhashchie kation-zameshchennye fosfaty kal'ciya [Mineral-polymer composite with cation-substituted calcium phosphates]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 35 – 48. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-35-48
Features of oxidation of copper-nickel alloys
synthesized by spark plasma sintering
N. P. Burkovskaya, N. V. Sevostyanov, F. N. Karachevtsev,
P. N. Medvedev
Data on high-temperature tests for heat resistance of copper-nickel-based powder materials synthesized by spark plasma sintering (SPS) are presents. The features of oxidation of copper-nickel alloys with various alloying elements at temperatures above 1000 °C have been studied. Based on the research results, the dependence of the growth rate of the oxide film on the high-temperature oxidation temperature was established, and the influence of alloying elements in the composition of sintered copper-nickel alloys on their heat resistance was considered. It is shown that the highest heat resistance is provided by alloying copper-nickel alloys with aluminum and chromium. For all considered compositions of copper-nickel alloys synthesized by spark plasma sintering, the temperature point of 1100 °C during a 20-hour heat resistance test is the limiting one, since most of the samples are completely destroyed. The scale growth rate for composition Cu – Ni – Cr – Al 1.49·10–3 g/cm3is lower than the oxidation rate of pure nickel 3.78·10–3 g/cm3at 1000 °C and these two samples demonstrate the lowest weight gain after testing at 1000 °С. For compositions Cu – Ni, Cu – Ni – Cr – C(graphite) and Cu – Ni – Al the oxidation rate increases by two orders of magnitude, for compositions Cu – Ni – Cr and Cu – Ni – Cr – Si — by three orders of magnitude. Despite increase of test temperature up to 1100 °C, the rate of scale growth on the surface of Cu – Ni – Cr and Cu – Ni – Al specimens remain practically unchanged: 124.01·10–3and 210.43·10–3 g/cm3 at 1000 °C; 153.44·10–3and 203.87·10–3 g/cm3 at 1100 °C. Deceleration of the oxidation kinetics of these samples with temperature increase is ensured by formation of oxide film on the surface, which has a dense structure with good adhesion to the basic material.
Keywords: heat resistance, copper-nickel alloys, Cu – Ni system, high-temperature oxidation, powder metallurgy, spark plasma sintering.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-49-57
Burkovskaya Natalya — FSUE “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials” State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (105005 Moscow, Radio str. 17), PhD (Chem.), researcher, specialist in the field of composite materials. E-mail:
Sevostyanov Nikolay — FSUE “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials” State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (105005 Moscow, Radio str. 17), head of Metal composite materials laboratory section, PhD (Eng), specialist in the field of composite materials. E-mail:
Karachevtsev Fedor — FSUE “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials” State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (105005 Moscow, Radio str. 17), PhD (Chem.), head of Spectral, chemical-analytical studies and reference samples laboratory, specialist in the field of spectral, chemical-analytical studies and reference samples. E-mail:
Medvedev Pavel — FSUE “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials” State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (105005 Moscow, Radio str. 17), head of laboratory section of Metal physical research, specialist in the field of X-ray diffraction analysis. E-mail:
Burkovskaya N.P., Sevostyanov N.V., Karachevtsev F.N., Medvedev P.N. Osobennosti okisleniya medno-nikelevyh splavov, sintezirovannyh iskrovym plazmennym spekaniem [Features of oxidation of copper-nickel alloys synthesized by spark plasma sintering]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 49 – 57. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-49-57
Physico-mechanical properties
of multicomponent nanocomposites
based on polyolefins
N. T. Kakhramanov, Kh. V. Allahverdieva, Y. N. Kakhramanly,
E. V. Dadasheva
The results of a study of the effect of the various types of fillers concentration at the nanoscale level, zinc stearate, aluminum, technical carbon — on the physical and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on polyolefins are presented. High density polyethylene, low density polyethylene and polypropylene were used as polyolefins. In order to improve the compatibility of polyolefins with fillers, a copolymer of high density polyethylene with maleic anhydride was used as a compatibilizer. The amount of maleic anhydride in the high density polyethylene was 5.7 wt %. Investigated such properties of nanocomposites as ultimate tensile stress, tensile yield strength, elongation at break, static bending strength and Vicat heat resistance. It was found that the use of a compatibilizer contributes to a significant improvement in the main physico-mechanical characteristics of nanocomposites, which indicates the technological compatibility of the mixed components of the mixture with the polymer matrix. It was found that in the presence of fillers, the elongation at break of the nanocomposites slightly decreases. It is shown that an increase in the content of technical carbon in the polymer matrix in the presence of 5.0 wt % concentration of aluminum is accompanied by an increase in the ultimate tensile stress and yield stress during stretching of nanocomposites with a maximum at a certain ratio of the mixture components. It was found that in polyolefins characterized by a relatively high degree of crystallinity, the maximum value of the ultimate tensile stress is achieved at a lower concentration of technical carbon.
Keywords: degree of crystallinity, tensile yield stress, ultimate tensile stress, flexural strength, elongation at break, heat resistance, compatibilizer, technical carbon.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-58-65
Kakhramanov Najaf Tofik oglu —Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (AZ5004, Sumgayit city, Samad Vurgun street 124), Dr Sci (Chem), professor, specialist in the field of chemical, mechano-chemical modification of polymers, processing, research of the structure and properties of nanocomposites, head of laboratory. E-mail:
Allahverdiyeva Khayala Vagif gizi —Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (AZ5004, Sumgayit city, Samad Vurgun street 124), PhD (Chem), associate professor, leading researcher, specialist in the field of modification and research of the structure and properties of nanocomposites. E-mail:
Kakhramanli Yunis Najaf oglu —Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (AZ1010, Azadlig avenue 20), Dr Sci (Eng), professor, head of the department, specialist in the field of modification and research of polymer composite materials. E-mail:
Dadasheva Esmira Vagif gizi —Sumgayit State Technical College under Sumgayit State University (AZ5004, Sumgayit city, Heydar Aliyev Avenue 37), teacher of chemistry, specialist in the physico-chemical analysis of polymers. E-mail:
Kakhramanov N.T., Allahverdieva Kh.V., Kakhramanly Y.N., Dadasheva E.V. Fiziko-mekhanicheskie svojstva mnogokomponentnyh nanokompozitov na osnove poliolefinov [Physico-mechanical properties of multicomponent nanocomposites based on polyolefins]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 58 – 65. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-58-65
Electrochemical properties of anticorrosive
coatings based on organosilicate composition
in combination with corrosion inhibitors
A. G. Ivanova, L. N. Krasilnikova, O. S. Lezova,
O. A. Zagrebelny, R. S. Khodzhaev, T. V. Khamova,
V. I. Trusov, O. A. Shilova
The article considers the effect of atmospheric corrosion inhibitors “NOTEH”, “N-M-1”, “FMT” and phosphating primer VL-02 on the electrochemical properties of anticorrosive coatings based on a new modification of the organosilicate composition — brand OS-51-03M. For corrosion tests using the method of potentiodynamic polarization, carbon steel plates of the St3sp5 brand were used, on which coatings were applied by the paint and varnish method. It was revealed that the aqueous phosphating composition “NOTEH” and the corrosion inhibitor “N-M-1” significantly increase the corrosion resistance of organosilicate coatings in an aggressive environment — 3 % NaCl solution. For these coatings, it is impossible to register the current and corrosion potential after 1 month of exposure of coatings in a corrosive environment. Under similar measurement conditions, the electrochemical parameters of steel plates with unmodified organosilicate coating were recorded — the corrosion current density and corrosion potential were equal to 8·10-9A/m2 and –144 mV, respectively. It was revealed that the phosphating primer VL-02 has a negligible effect on increasing the duration of anticorrosive protection of the organosilicate coating system. The type of inhibitory protection of atmospheric corrosion inhibitors has been determined.
Keywords:organosilicate coatings, organosilicate composition of the OS-51-03M brand, corrosion inhibitors, N-M-1, FMT, NOTEH composition, primer VL-02, corrosion resistance, potentiodynamic polarization method.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-66-74
Ivanova Alexandra — Institute of Silicate Chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian academy of sciences (199034, St. Petersburg, Makarova emb., 2), PhD (Chem), head of the LNS, specialist in the development and research of nanostructured materials for electrochemical devices. E-mail:
Krasilnikova Larisa — Institute of Silicate Chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian academy of sciences (199034, St. Petersburg, Makarova emb., 2), researcher, specialist in the field of organo-silicate paints and varnishes. E-mail:
Lezova Olga — Institute of Silicate Chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian academy of sciences (199034, St. Petersburg, Makarova emb., 2), junior researcher, postgraduate student, specialist in the development of organic-inorganic hybrid temperature-resistant ion-conducting membranes based on sulfonated aromatic polymers for solid polymer fuel cells. E-mail:
Zagrebelny Oleg — Institute of Silicate Chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian academy of sciences (199034, St. Petersburg, Makarova emb., 2), researcher, specialist in the field of electronics, radio engineering and electrical engineering. E-mail:
Khodzhaev Rustam — St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (197121, St. Petersburg, Lotsmanskaya st., 3), assistant, specialist in temporary corrosion protection. E-mail:
Khamova Tamara — Institute of Silicate Chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian academy of sciences (199034, St. Petersburg, Makarova emb., 2), PhD (Chem), senior researcher, specialist in sol-gel technology, coatings of composite materials. E-mail:
Trusov Valery — St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (197121, St. Petersburg, Lotsmanskaya st., 3), Dr Sci (Eng), professor, head of the department, specialist in temporary corrosion protection. E-mail:
Shilova Olga — Institute of Silicate Chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian academy of sciences (199034, St. Petersburg, Makarova emb., 2), Dr Sci (Chem), professor, chief researcher of the Institute of Chemical Systems of the Russian academy of sciences, scientific supervisor of the Institute of Chemical Systems of the Russian academy of sciences for functional and protective coatings, Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, specialist in the field of sol-gel synthesis and research of inorganic and organic-inorganic composite materials, and glassy, glass-ceramic coatings, chemical liquid-phase synthesis of dispersed oxide ceramic functional nanomaterials. E-mail:
Ivanova A.G., Krasilnikova L.N., Lezova O.S., Zagrebelny O.A., Khodzhaev R.S., Khamova T.V., Trusov V.I., Shilova O.A. Elektrohimicheskie svojstva antikorrozionnyh pokrytij na osnove organosilikatnoj kompozicii v sochetanii s ingibitorami korrozii [Electrochemical properties of anticorrosive coatings based on organosilicate composition in combination with corrosion inhibitors]. Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 66 – 74. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-66-74
Investigation of the formation
of a multilayer functional composite material
with a gradient structure
titanium nitride – titanium – base
M. A. Sudarchikova, E. O. Nasakina, E. M. Ivanov,
A. G. Kolmakov
Composite materials based on aluminum alloy D16 and titanium alloy Ti – 10 Nb – 3 Mo with surface layers of titanium, titanium nitride and a multilayer composition consisting of alternating layers of titanium and titanium nitride for biomedical and tribological purposes by high-vacuum magnetron sputtering at direct current in inert and reactive media were obtained. The structure and phase composition were studied using SEM, AES, X-ray diffractometry and probe microscopy. The rate of formation of a surface layer of pure titanium on a substrate made of alloy D16 was 185 nm/min, and the rate of synthesis of a surface layer of titanium in a reactive medium was significantly slowed down and was no more than 70 nm/min due to nitrogen poisoning of the target. The transition layer formed as a result of the synthesis of a titanium layer on an aluminum alloy substrate had a thickness of about 600 nm, which is significantly greater than the thickness of the transition layer when titanium is obtained on a titanium alloy substrate. During the formation of titanium nitride on a titanium sublayer, a greater concentration of nitrogen was observed than during the formation of nitride on a substrate with the same deposition parameters. The intensity of the TiN phase reflexes in the X-ray diffractometry diagrams were weakly expressed in all variants of the applied ratios of working gases Ar/N2 during spraying. The speed of the titanium sublayer makes it possible to form a greater thickness of the titanium nitride layer than without the sublayer, as well as a more nitrogen–saturated surface layer - up to 38% by weight.
Keywords: magnetron sputtering, reactive sputtering, layered composite material, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, biocompatible materials, titanium nitride, titanium.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-75-86
Sudarchikova Maria — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), junior researcher, specialist in the field of ion-plasma technologies for obtaining coatings and composite materials. E-mail:
Nasakina Elena — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD, senior researcher, specialist in the field of ion-plasma technologies for obtaining coatings and composite materials and methods for their study. E-mail:
Ivanov Egor — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), student, specialist in the field of ion-plasma technologies for obtaining coatings and physical and chemical properties of materials.
Kolmakov Aleksey — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), corresponding member of the Russian academy of sciences, head of the laboratory of Strength and Plasticity of Metallic and Composite Materials and Nanomaterials, specialist in the field of strength and plasticity of metallic and composite materials and nanomaterials and methods receiving them. E-mail:
Sudarchikova M.A., Nasakina E.O., Ivanov E.M., Kolmakov A.G. Issledovanie formirovaniya mnogoslojnogo funkcional'nogo kompozicionnogo materiala s gradientnoj strukturoj “nitrid titana – titan – osnova” [Investigation of the formation of a multilayer functional composite material with a gradient structure titanium nitride – titanium – base] Perspektivnye Materialy [Advanced Materials] (in Russ), 2022, no. 7, pp. 75 – 86. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2022-7-75-86