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2020, №12

Melting ranges of heterophase systems Zr – Si – ZrB2 – ZrSi2- MoSi2 and Zr – Si – HfB2 – HfSi2 – MoSi2

M. V. Zinovyeva, V. V. Sanin, Yu. S. Pogozhev, A. N. Astapov, Ye. A. Levashov

The work is devoted to studying the melting ranges of the base Zr – Si eutectic composition depending on the content of the heterophasic powder component in the ZrB2 – ZrSi2 – MoSi2 and HfB2 – HfSi2 – MoSi2 systems in an amount of 30 – 90 % obtained by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). The melting range of the mixture Zr – Si was 1420 – 1440 °C, while the addition of SHS-powders ZrB2 – ZrSi2 – MoSi2 led to an increase in the melting onset temperature Тmelt.onset to 1460 – 1560 °С and the complete melting temperature Tmelt.complete to 1480 – 1670 °C. The addition of HfB2 – HfSi2 – MoSi2 powders had a weak effect on the values of Тmelt.onset (1390 – 1430 °С), but led to an increase in the values of Tmelt.complete to 1510 – 1550 °С. X-ray phase analysis showed that the remelted samples contained ZrB2/HfB2, ZrSi2/HfSi2, MoSi2 phases and Si, with the number of phases being directly proportional to the content of SHS powders in the composition of the Zr – Si mixture. The ingots were characterized by a homogeneous structure consisting of a silicon matrix, ZrSi2/HfSi2, MoSi2 disilicide grains, with ZrB2/HfB2 diboride inclusions.

Keywords: hafnium diboride, zirconium diboride, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, high-temperature ceramics, heterophase ceramics, composites.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-5-15

Zinovyeva Margarita — Scientific-Educational Center of SHS MISIS–ISMAN (119049, Moscow, Leninsky pr-t, 4), junior researcher, postgraduate student of the Department of powder metallurgy and multifunctional coatings (PM&MC). E-mail:

Sanin Vitaliy — National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” (119049, Moscow, Leninsky pr-t, 4); Scientific-Educational Center of SHS MISIS–ISMAN, junior researcher. E-mail:

Pogozhev Yuri — Scientific-Educational Center of SHS MISIS–ISMAN (119049, Moscow, Leninsky pr-t, 4), senior researcher, PhD (Eng.), assistant professor of the Department of powder metallurgy and multifunctional coatings (PM&MC). E-mail:

Astapov Alexey — Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University, 125993, Moscow, Volokolamskoe shosse, 4), assistant professor of the department of Advanced materials and technologies for aerospace application; Scientific-Educational Center of SHS MISIS–ISMAN, PhD (Eng.), senior researcher. E-mail:

Levashov Evgeny — Scientific-Educational Center of SHS MISIS–ISMAN, head of Center; National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, head of the Department of powder metallurgy and multifunctional coatings (PM&MC), Dr. Sci. (Eng.), prof. E-mail:

Reference citing:

Zinovyeva M.V., Sanin V.V., Pogozhev Yu.S., Astapov A.N., Levashov Ye.A. Intervaly plavleniya geterofaznyh sistem Zr – Si – ZrB2 – ZrSi2 – MoSi2 i Zr – Si – HfB2 – HfSi2 – MoSi2 [Melting ranges of heterophase systems Zr – Si – ZrB2 – ZrSi2-MoSi2 and Zr – Si – HfB2 – HfSi2 – MoSi2]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 5 – 15. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-5-15

Phenomenon of reversion after ageing in magnesium alloys with gadolinium and samarium

L. L. Rokhlin, T. V. Dobatkina, N. Yu. Tabachkova, I. E. Tarytina, E. A. Lukyanova

The parameters of reversion after hardening ageing of magnesium alloys containing two rare-earth metals: gadolinium (yttrium group) and samarium (cerium group) were determined at various ratios of their contents. The reversion was observed at short annealing at 250 and 300 °С beginning with 5 minutes after preliminary ageing at 200 °С up to maximum hardening and consisted of significant softening of the alloys then. Measurements of the electrical resistance indicated, that during softening the reverse dissolution of the rare-earth metals in magnesium-base solid solution takes place with diminution of the hardening particles quantity, precipitated during ageing before The reverse dissolution of the rare-earth metals into solid magnesium increases with elevating annealing temperature after ageing from 250 to 300 °С and with increase of the gadolinium to samarium ratio in the alloys.

Keywords: magnesium alloys, rare-earth metals, reversion after ageing, solid solution decomposition.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-16-26

Rokhlin Lazar — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49) Dr Sci (Eng), chief researcher, specialist in the field of materials science of the magnesium and aluminum alloys. E-mail:

Dobatkina Tatiana — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), leading researcher, specialist in the field of metals science of light alloys. E-mail:

Tabachkova Natalya — Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119994, Vavilova ul, 38) PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in electron microscopy. E-mail:

Tarytina Irina — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49), researcher, specialist in the field of microstructure, electrical and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys. E-mail:

Lukyanova Elena — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky Prospect, 49) PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of materials science of the light alloys. E-mail:

Reference citing:

Rokhlin L.L., Dobatkina T.V., Tabachkova N.Yu., Tarytina I.E., Lukyanova E.A. YAvlenie vozvrata posle stareniya v splavah magniya s gadoliniem i samariem [Phenomenon of reversion after ageing in magnesium alloys with gadolinium and samarium]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 16 – 26. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-16-26

Dicarboxylate-substituted octacalcium phosphates for hydrogel filling and resorbable ceramics fabrication

A. A. Tikhonov, E. S. Klimashina, P. V. Evdokimov, E. V. Kukueva, A. S. Biryukov, V. I. Putlayev, I. M. Scherbackov, V. E. Dubrov

The main features of the synthesis of carboxylate-substituted analogs of octacalcium phosphate Ca8(HPO4)2(PO4) 4·5H2O (OCP) by hydrolysis of brushite (CaHPO4·2H2O) and tricalcium phosphate α-Са3(РО4)2 (α-TCP) in buffer solutions based on the salts of succinic, adipic, and citric acids were summarized. The synthesis of succinate-substituted (Suc@OCP) and adipinate-substituted (Adi@OCP) OCPs gives the powders with Ca8(HPO4)2 – xАx(PO4)4·zH2O (А= Suc, Аdi) composition. Thermolysis of substituted OCPs results in a mixture of β-Са3(РО4)2 (β-TCP) and hydroxyapatite Са10(РО4) 6(ОН)2 (HAp). Thermolysis features include the absence of an apatite-like decomposition product of pure OCP and higher decomposition temperatures compared to the pure OCP. Suc@OCP and Adi@OCP powders were used for the filling of hydrogels based on polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) for the creation of a deformable composite implant by a stereolithographic 3D printing method, and fabrication of biphasic TCP/ HAp ceramics.

Keywords: octacalcium phosphate, carboxylate-substituted octacalcium phosphates, brushite, tricalcium phosphate, succinic acid, adipic acid, citric acid, thermolysis, composite, hydrogel, 3D-printing, stereolithography, ceramics.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-27-41

Tikhonov Andrey — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Materials Science, (119991, Moscow, Leninski Gori, 1, bd.73, GSP-1, MSU, Chemistry Department), PhD student, field of interests – additive manufacturing and hybrid biomaterials. E-mail:

Klimashina Elena — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department (119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, bd.3, GSP-1, MSU, Chemistry Department), PhD (Chem), researcher, expert in chemistry of inorganic materials. E-mail:

Evdokimov Pavel — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department (119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, bd.3, GSP-1, MSU, Chemistry Department), junior researcher, PhD (Chem), expert in chemistry of inorganic materials. E-mail:

Kukueva Elena — National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (123182, Moscow, Akademika Kurchatova pl., 1), research engineer, PhD (Chem), field of interests – ceramics, superhard materials, electron microscopyEmail:

Biryukov Artem — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department (119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, bd.3, GSP-1, MSU, Chemistry Department), bachelor student, field of interests – synthesis of calcium phosphates and bioceramics. E-mail:

Putlayev Valery — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department (119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, bd.3, GSP-1, MSU, Chemistry Department), PhD (Chem), associated professor, Dr., expert in chemistry of inorganic materials. E-mail:

Scherbackov Ivan — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, (119991, Moscow, 27-1 Lomonosovsky Prospekt), assistant, field of interest – medical biomaterials. E-mail:

Dubrov Vadim — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, (119991, Moscow, 27-1 Lomonosovsky Prospekt), PhD (Medical), professor, expert in the field of medical biomaterials. E-mail:

Reference citing:

Tikhonov A.A., Klimashina E.S., Evdokimov P.V., Kukueva E.V., Biryukov A.S., Putlayev V.I., Scherbackov I.M., Dubrov V.E. Dikarboksilatzameshchennye oktakal'cievye fosfaty dlya napolneniya gidrogelej i izgotovleniya rezorbiruemoj keramiki [Dicarboxylate-substituted octacalcium phosphates for hydrogel filling and resorbable ceramics fabrication]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 27 – 41. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-27-41

Calculation of the parameters of mechanical properties of the heart muscle

S. A. Muslov, A. I. Lotkov, S. D. Arutyunov, T. M. Albakova

A review of studies of the mechanical properties of human and animal heart tissues has been performed. Based on literature data, a form of approximating function is found for the dependence of the Young’s modulus of the ventricles of the human heart on the magnitude of the deformation. The average values of the Young’s modulus and other elastic constants were calculated and compared with the known experimental values. The coefficients C1 and C2 of the two-parameter hyperelastic myocardial MooneyRivlin model are calculated.

Keywords: mechanical properties, Young’s modulus, Mooney – Rivlin hyperelastic model, hearth, myocardium.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-42-52

Muslov Sergei — A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSMSU, 20, str. 1, Delegatskaya, Moscow, 127473, Russia), Dr Sci (Biol.), PhD (Phys-Math), professor. E-mail:

Lotkov Aleksander Ivanivich — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS, 2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia), professor, Dr Sci (Phys-Math), head of the laboratory of materials science of shape memory alloys. E-mail:

Arutyunov Sergey — A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSMSU, 20, str. 1, Delegatskaya, Moscow, 127473, Russia), Dr Sci (Med), professor, head of department. E-mail:

Albakova Tamara — A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSMSU, 20, str. 1, Delegatskaya, Moscow, 127473, Russia), assistant. E-mail:

Reference citing:

Muslov S.A., Lotkov A.I., Arutyunov S.D., Albakova T.M. Raschet parametrov mekhanicheskih svojstv serdechnoj myshcy [Calculation of the parameters of mechanical properties of the heart muscle]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 42 – 52. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-42-52

Low-temperature deformation of Al – Ni – Fe – La system amorphous alloys

N. D. Bakhteeva, E. V. Todorova, D. V. Prosvirnin, N. V. Petrakova, T. R. Chueva, E. O. Nasakina

X-ray amorphous ribbons of aluminum-based alloys doped with transition (Ni, Fe) and rare-earth (La) metals in various ratios were obtained by melt-spinning. The mechanical characteristics and fracture surfaces of the ribbons under conditions of uniaxial tension with speeds from 0,01 to 10 mm/min were studied. It was shown that with an increase in the rate in all investigated alloys, the strength limit increases and low plasticity remains. Inhomogeneous deformation is realized by the initiation and spread of shear bands. Mixed fracture surface indicates a brittle-viscous fracture with a high ratio of the viscous component. It was confirmed the significant influence of the scale factor on the strength characteristics of the ribbons. The tensile strength of the ribbons increases with iron content rising and nickel content decreasing when the influence of the scale factor is excluded. It is experimentally shown on ribbons with a low-melting tin coating that local heating in shear bands reaches the melting point of tin 231,9 °C.

Keywords: amorphous Al-alloys, mechanical properties, fractography, low-melting coating, alloying elements.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-53-63

Bakhteeva Natalia — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), Dr Sci (Eng), leading researcher, expert in the field of physical Metal science. Е-mail:

Todorova Elena — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of aluminum amorphous materials. Е-mail:

Prosvirnin Dmitry — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of fundamental principles of creating new metal, ceramic and composite materials, kinetics and dynamics of fracture of deformable bodies, issues of studying and predicting the mechanical characteristics of materials. E-mail:

Chueva Tatiana — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist of thermal analysis and preparation of amorphous alloys. E-mail:

Nasakina Elena Olegovna — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), senior researcher, specialist in the field of nanomaterials, composites and biomaterials. E-mail:

Petrakova Nataliya — Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of RAS (Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 49), PhD (Eng), scientific researcher, specialist in development and researching of ceramic and composite materials. E-mail:

Reference citing:

Bakhteeva N.D., Todorova E.V., Prosvirnin D.V., Petrakova N.V., Chueva T.R., Nasakina E.O. Osobennosti nizkotemperaturnoj deformacii amorfnyh splavov sistemy Al – Ni – Fe – La [Low-temperature deformation of Al – Ni – Fe – La system amorphous alloys]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 53 – 63. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-53-63

Obtaining mesoporous materials based on titanium dioxide modified by magnetite with high adsorption capacity and photocatalytic activity

T. V. Kusova, I. A. Yamanovskaya, N. S. Kopeikina, A. S. Kraev, A. V. Agafonov

Crystalline composite structures based on titanium dioxide modified by magnetite particles with improved sorption and photocatalytic properties were obtained by a microwave-assisted method. This method is based on a polyol method synthesis of titanium glycolate using microwave heating and followed by the water treatment under microwave heating at 2.45 GHz, without using the calcination stage at high temperatures. It was found that the treatment of titanium glycolates in water under the influence of microwave heating leads to the formation of the crystal structure of titanium dioxide (polymorphic anatase modification). Using scanning electron microscopy, it was shown that during the synthesis of composite structures based on titanium dioxide, the formation of particles of a spherical and rod-shaped form. The resulting materials were characterized by electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, dynamic light scattering, and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption/desorption. The analysis of the influence of structural and morphological features on the adsorption capacity and photocatalytic activity of the composites is carried out. A comparative analysis of the photocatalytic activity of the obtained composites in the decomposition of the Rhodamine B dye under UV radiation showed that the most effective dye removal (~ 99 %) were observed in the presence of both spherical and rod-shaped composite structures as catalysts containing 1 % of magnetite.

Keywords: titanium dioxide, microwave synthesis, mesoporous, magnetite, photocatalytic activity.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-64-72

Kusova Tatyana — Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (153000, Russia, Ivanovo, Sheremetievskiy Avenue 7), assoc. prof., specialist in the field of obtaining nanomaterials by sol – gel method. E-mail:.

Kraev Anton — G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (153045, Russia, Ivanovo, Akademicheskaja st, 1), researcher, specialist in the field of the investigation of rheological and dielectric properties of nanomaterials. E-mail:

Kopeikina Natalia — Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (153000, Russia, Ivanovo, Sheremetievskiy Avenue 7), master, specializeы in the field of obtaining nanomaterials by sol – gel method. E-mail:

Yamanovskaya Inna — G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (153045, Russia, Ivanovo, Akademicheskaja st, 1), PhD student, area of interest: the sol - gel synthesis of nanomaterials based on aluminium oxide and titanium dioxide. E-mail:

Agafonov Alexander — G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (153045, Russia, Ivanovo, Akademicheskaja st, 1), head of laboratory, specialist in design and development of solution methods for nanostructures preparation and their adaptation to modern technology. E-mail:

Reference citing:

Kusova T.V., Yamanovskaya I.A., Kopeikina N.S., Kraev A.S., Agafonov A.V. Poluchenie mezoporistyh materialov na osnove dioksida titana, modificirovannogo chasticami magnetita, obladayushchih vysokoj adsorbcionnoj emkost'yu i fotokatalicheskoj aktivnost'yu [Obtaining mesoporous materials based on titanium dioxide modified by magnetite with high adsorption capacity and photocatalytic activity]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 64 – 72. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-64-72

Influence of vibration parameters on abrasive destruction process during sliding friction

Yu. S. Dubinov, O. Yu. Elagina, O. B. Dubinova, A. G. Buklakov, I. S. Kulikova

This article presents the research results of changes in vibration parameters that occur when sliding a high-hard composite material along a monolithic abrasive, depending on the loading conditions and material fulfillment of the contacting elements. The results of measuring vibration parameters depending on the applied axial load, the relative displacement velocity, and the material of the mandrel holding the carbide element are presented. An assessment of the effort created by vibration in the friction zone, and its effect on the destruction characteristics of the abrasive were carried out. The influence of vibration parameters on the energy distribution between the thermal and mechanical components during friction is shown.

Keywords: vibration, sliding friction, vibration velocity, vibration acceleration, damping materials, abrasive.

DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-73-80

Dubinov Yurii — National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Moscow, Russia) PhD (Eng), associate professor, senior researcher, specialist in the rational selection field of materials for oil and gas equipment. E-mail:;

Elagina Oksana — National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Moscow, Russia), Dr Sci (Eng), professor, head of the department of Tribology and technology of repair gas equipment, specialist in the field of welding technologies and equipment, technologies for creating wear-resistant coatings, materials science and tribology.

Dubinova Olga — National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Moscow, Russia), graduate student, engineer, specialist in the rational selection field of materials for oil and gas equipment.

Buklakov Andrey — National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Moscow, Russia) PhD (Eng), associate professor, senior researcher, specialist in the field of protective coatings and their mechano-thermal formation.

Kulikova Irina — National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Moscow, Russia), PhD (Eng), assistant, specialist in the design and operation of oil and gas equipment.

Reference citing:

Dubinov Yu. S., Elagina O. Yu., Dubinova O. B., Buklakov A. G., Kulikova I. S. Vliyanie parametrov vibracii na process razrusheniya abraziva pri trenii skol'zhenii [Influence of vibration parameters on abrasive destruction process during sliding friction]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 12, pp. 73 – 80. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-12-73-80

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