2020, №02
Design of component composition of “ink” based
on cement for construction 3D printer
V. А. Poluektova
Physicotechnological properties of the mixture, the so-called “ink”, for a 3D construction printer are formulated. It is shown, that the structure must have unique rheological characteristics, regulated time of setting, good adhesion and early strength. It is defined that such material with the required properties can be received on the one hand by creation of composite material on the basis of two active agents: mineral binding and polymeric binding, and on the other hand ‒ by surface modifying of superplasticizer particles. Influence patterns of organic components (polymeric binding and superplasticizer) on cement matrix are received. The mobility of the mixture, setting time, strength characteristics and the microstructure of the polymer-cement composite are investigated. The patented composite material has been developed for innovative branch of construction on the basis of two active components – Portland cement and polyvinyl acetate dispersion. Due to phase boundary modifying of the colloid system the proposed composite possesses necessary plastic strength, high rate of setting, high early strength, crack resistance and some other properties necessary for three-dimensional printing of large-sized products and constructions without timbering.
Keywords: composite material, polymercement solution, quick-hardening solution, “ink” for the 3D printer, phloroglucinefurfural superplasticizer, polyvinyl acetate dispersion.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-5-13
Poluektova Valentina — Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46 Kostyukova street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation), PhD (Eng), assistant professor, specialist in the sphere of chemical modification of highly-concentrated mineral and polymineral dispersions. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Poluektova V.А. Proektirovanie komponentnogo sostava “chernil” na osnove cementa dlya stroitel'nogo 3D-printera. [Design of component composition of “ink” based on cement for construction 3D printer]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 5 – 13. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-5-13
Effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on phase separation, structure and magnetic properties of the complex oxide NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ
O. M. Fedorova, L. B. Vedmid’, S. A. Uporov
For formation of different oxygen nonstoichiometry in oxide samples NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ applied a two-step synthesis method, which allows to achieve different oxygen nonstoichiometry of the samples. Oxygen nonstoichiometry is formed by two methods: quenching at certain temperatures, and annealing at certain values of oxygen partial pressure. The value of oxygen nonstoichiometry determined by the mass emitted from the sample to oxygen during the decomposition of samples NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ to simple oxides. Determined oxygen nonstoichiometry in NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ when recording external parameters such as pressure and temperature. The study of samples NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ using thermogravimetry and x-rays revealed phase separation — two phases with the same cation composition, having different oxygen content. For example, sample NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ, tempered 1000 °C and having an oxygen nonstoichiometry +0.09 proposed crystallographic criterion of manifestation of phase separation in phases Ruddlesden-Popper (R-P) — a sharp change in the bond lengths of the manganese-oxygen. Measurement of the electrical resistance of DC in the samples NdSr2Mn2O7 ± δ were performed in the temperature range 5 – 300 K and magnetic fields up to 7 T standard 4-probe method. Magnetoresistive effect up to 400 % was found in the studied oxides, which is nonlinearly dependent on their oxygen nonstoichiometry.
Keywords: Ruddlesden-Popperphases, phase separation, structure, colossal magnetoresistive effect, oxygen nonstoichiometry.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-14-21
Fedorova Olga — Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, 620016, Amundsen str., 101), PhD (Chem), senior researcher, specialist in the field of X-ray phase analysis of oxide materials.
Vedmid’ Larisa — Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, 620016, Amundsen str., 101), PhD (Chem), senior researcher; Ural Federal University, (Ekaterinburg, 620002, Mira str., 19), senior researcher (specialist in the field of thermogravimetric analysis of oxide materials. E-mail:
Uporov Sergey — Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, 620016, Amundsen str., 101), PhD (Phys-Math), senior researcher; Ural Federal University, (Ekaterinburg, 620002, Mira str., 19), senior researcher, specialist in the analysis of magnetic properties of alloys and oxide materials. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Fedorova O.M., Vedmid’ L.B., Uporov S.A. Vliyanie kislorodnoj nestekhiometrii na fazovoe rassloenie, strukturu i magnitnye svojstva slozhnogo oksida NdSr2Mn2O7 ± d [Effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on phase separation, structure and magnetic properties of the complex oxide NdSr2Mn2O7 ± d]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p.14 – 21. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-14-21
Rheological characteristics of antimicrobial composites
based on a blend of polypropylene/magnesium hydroxide
and oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid
N. Sh. Rasulzade, V. M. Dosueva, N. T. Kakhramanov,
N. B. Arzumanova
The results of the study of the rheological characteristics of a blend of polypropylene and magnesium hydroxide in a ratio of 30:70 and composites based on it, filled with oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid, are presented.The melt flow indexes of the samples were determined. The effect of the concentration of oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid, temperature and shear stress on the regularity of changes in the effective viscosity and shear rate has been established. Rheograms of a blend of polypropylene and magnesium hydroxide in a ratio of 30:70 and composites based on it are given.The dependence of viscosity on temperature in Arrhenius coordinates is determined, according to which the “apparent” activation energy of viscous flow for the initial blend of polypropylene and magnesium hydroxide in a ratio of 30:70 and composites based on it filled with oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid varies in the range of 40.7 – 42.8 kJ/mol and 55.6 – 59.9 kJ/mol, respectively. It is shown that with an increase in the concentration of oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid in the polymer blend to 3.33 wt.% the value of the shear rate remains almost unchanged relative to the initial blend of polypropylene and magnesium hydroxide (30/70). Rheological studies of the melt of polymer materials were carried out in accordance with the standard ASTM D1238 on capillary rheometer CEAST MF50 (INSTRON, Italy) in the temperature range of 190 – 250 °C and in the load range of 3.8 – 21.6 kg.
Keywords: rheology, shear stresses, shear rate, polypropylene, oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-22-29
Rasulzade Niyazi Shahid — Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS (AZ5004, Azerbaijan Republic, Sumgait, S.Vurgun str., 124), Dr Sci (Chem), professor, honored scientist, head of the laboratory of Polymer materials based on macromonomers, specialist in the area of synthesis and polymerization of higher α-olefin macromers obtained by destruction of polyethylene and polypropylene, synthesis and study of the polymerization process of acrylate macromers. E-mail:
Dostuyeva Vusala Mayil — Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS (AZ5004, Azerbaijan Republic, Sumgait, S.Vurgun str., 124), research assistant of the laboratory of Stereochemistry of monomers and polymers, specialist in the area of synthesis of oligoalkyl esters of salicylic acid and the preparation of antibacterial composite materials. E-mail:
Kahramanov Najaf Tofig — Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS (AZ5004, Azerbaijan Republic, Sumgait, S.Vurgun str., 124), Dr Chem, professor, head of laboratory Mechanochemical modification and processing of polymers, specialist in the area of polymer modification with fillers, obtaining compatible polymer-polymer blends, chemical modification of polymers, establishing the relationship between structure and properties of the polymeric materials. E-mail:
Arzumanova Nushaba Baba — Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS (AZ5004, Azerbaijan Republic, Sumgait, S.Vurgun str., 124), PhD (Chem), senior research associate of the laboratory of Mechanochemical modification and processing of polymers, specialist in the area of mechanochemical modification of polymers with mineral fillers and investigation of rheological characteristic of polymer materials. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Rasulzade N.Sh., Dosueva V.M., Kakhramanov N.T., Arzumanova N.B. Реологические особенности антимикробных композитов на основе смеси полипропилен/гидроксид магния и олигопропиленого эфира салициловой кислоты [Rheological characteristics of antimicrobial composites based on a blend of polypropylene/magnesium hydroxide and oligopropylene ester of salicylic acid]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 22 – 29. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-22-29
Template synthesis of calcium phosphates
in the nanoporous polyolefin films obtained via
the crazing mechanism
M. A. Moskvina, E. S. Trofimchuk, F. I. Grabovenko,
N. I. Nikonorova, A. L. Volynskii
An alternative method for the preparation of polymer nanocomposites based on porous polyolefin films (isotactic polypropylene, high density polyethylene), deformed via crazing mechanism in physically active media, and calcium phosphates is proposed. Film-type composite materials of different structures and containing 10 – 25 wt.% filler are obtained. In them, particles of calcium hydroxyapatite with a diameter of 15 – 50 nm develop within the pores of the polymer matrices and form a layer, the morphology of which is determined by the structure of the original porous films and its parameters can be controlled by the reaction conditions. The composites obtained are found to characterize by anisotropy of mechanical properties, and loading their by calcium phosphate particles lead some increase in the mechanical characteristics of polymer matrices. During high-temperature heating (up to 700 °C) of nanocomposites, the polymer matrix is burned out and porous calcium hydroxyapatite consisting of nanoparticles with different morphology (from needle-shaped crystals with a length of 100 – 150 nm and about 10 nm in diameter to spheres with a diameter of 50 – 90 nm depending on the original porous structure of the polymer) is formed. The results obtained are relevant for the directional regulation of the structure and properties of bioactive substances and for the creation of modern materials of biomedical application.
Keywords: calcium phosphates, polypropylene, polyethylene, crazing, porosity, morphology.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-30-38
Moskvina Marina — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry (1-3, Lenin Hills, Moscow 119991 Russia), PhD, senior scientist, specialist in physic and chemistry of polymers. E-mail:
Trofimchuk Elena — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry (1-3, Lenin Hills, Moscow 119991 Russia), PhD, senior scientist, specialist in physic and chemistry of polymers. E-mail:
Grabovenko Fedor — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry (1-3, Lenin Hills, Moscow 119991 Russia), student. E-mail:
Nikonorova Nina — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry (1-3, Lenin Hills, Moscow 119991 Russia), PhD, senior scientist, associate professor, specialist in physic and chemistry of polymers. E-mail:
Volynskii Alexandr — M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry (1-3, Lenin Hills, Moscow 119991 Russia), Dr Sci, chief researcher, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading specialist in physic and chemistry of polymers. Email:
Reference citing:
Moskvina M.A., Trofimchuk E.S., Grabovenko F.I., Nikonorova N.I., Volynskii A.L. Matrichnyj sintez fosfatov kal'ciya v nanoporistyh plenkah poliolefinov, poluchennyh po mekhanizmu krejzinga [Template synthesis of calcium phosphates in the nanoporous polyolefin films obtained via the crazing mechanism]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 30 – 38. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-30-38
Influence of the introducing rare-earth metal
on the strength of the aluminum electrodes
I. Yu. Gots, V. O. Lukyanova
The article is devoted to the study of the phenomena of secondary periodicity in nanostructured aluminum films — rare earth elements (REE: La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Yb, Lu) obtained by cathode incorporation from non-aqueous solid solutions of salts. REE. The data measured during the potentiostatic measurement made it possible to calculate the diffusion-kinetic characteristics, such as the constant distribution, the concentration embedded in the matrix, the diffusion coefficient, and the adsorption value. The values obtained reflect the phenomenon of secondary periodicity, manifested in the Al-REE-cerium and yttrium subgroups with the same frequency. Microstructural analysis showed the presence of a grain-like structure similar in all samples. The external observable structure corresponds to the microhardness values that affect the grain size on the strength properties of the alloys. As a result of the cathode treatment of Al in non-aqueous organic solutions of REE salts in DMF (dimethylformamide), compounds of the Al-REE type of various stoichiometric ratios are formed. As a result of this work, the influence of nature on the diffusion-kinetic properties and physicochemical properties of the obtained electrodes was established, and the effect of size on the properties and properties of nanostructured Al-REE films was studied.
Keywords: rare earth metals, materials for electrodes, microstructural analysis, microhardness, secondary-ion mass spectrometry.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-39-47
Gozt Irina — Federal budget — funded research “Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (Moscow, 101990, 4 Maly Kharitonyevsky Pereulok), researcher Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, 410054, Politechnicheskay street, 77), PhD, associate professor of the department Physical materials science and biomedical engineering, specialist in the field of chemical power sources. E-mail:
Lukyanova Victoria — Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, 410054, Politechnicheskay street, 77), post-graduate student, department Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Materials, specialist in the field of material science. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Gots I.Yu., Lukyanova V.O. Vliyanie dobavki redkozemel'nogo metalla na prochnostnye harakteristiki alyuminievyh elektrodov [Influence of the introducing rare-earth metal on the strength of the aluminum electrodes]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 39 – 47. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-39-47
Properties of nanocomposites on the basis of high pressure polyethylene with metal-containing nanofillers
N. I. Kurbanova, T. M. Guliyeva, N. Ya. Ishenko
It has been investigated the influence of additives of nanofillers (NF) containing nanoparticles (NP) of the copper oxide, stabilized by polymer matrix of maleinized polyethylene (MPE), obtained by mechano-chemical method on peculiarities of properties of composites on the basis of high pressure polyethylene (PE) by methods of X-ray phase (RFA) and thermographic (TGA) analyses. It has been revealed the improvement of strength, deformation and rheological indices and also thermal-oxidative stability of the obtained nanocomposites, which has been apparently connected with synergetic effect of interaction of the copper-containing nanoparticles with maleic groups of MPE. It has been shown that the nanocomposites on the basis of PE can be processed both by a method of pressing and methods of casting under pressure and extrusion, which expands the spheres of its application.
Keywords: polyethylene (PE), copper-containing nanofillers, maleinized polyethylene (MPE), physical-mechanical properties, RPhA, TGA analyses.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-48-54
Kurbanova Nushaba Ismail gizi — Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Sumgait, Azerbaijan, Az 5004, S.Vurgun Str, 124), Dr Sci (Chem), head of laboratory, specialist in the field of development of composition materials and also nanocomposites on the basis of elastomers and thermoplasts and their binary mixtures. E-mail:;
Gulieva Turkan Mushvig gizi — Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Sumgait, Azerbaijan, Az5004, S.Vurgun Str, 124), junior researcher, specialist in the field of development of composition materials. E-mail:
Ishenko Nelli — Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Sumgait, Azerbaijan, Az5004, S.Vurgun Str, 124), PhD (Chem), head of laboratory, specialist in the field of development of composition materials. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Kurbanova N.I., Guliyeva T.M., Ishenko N.Ya. Svojstva nanokompozitov na osnove polietilena vysokogo davleniya s metallsoderzhashchimi nanonapolnitelyami [Properties of nanocomposites on the basis of high pressure polyethylene with metal-containing nanofillers]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 48 – 54. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-48-54
Development of new white gold alloys of 585 probe
and research of technology of production from their wire of jewelery appointment
S. B. Sidelnikov, Y. D. Ditkovskaya, E. S. Lopatina,
O. S. Lebedeva, V. A. Lopatin
New white nickel-free alloys based on 585 probe gold are developed. As main modifying additive, they contain ruthenium, which has a higher melting point and limited solubility in gold, which required the search for a new method for introducing it into the melt. A new method for modifying such alloys has been proposed and patented, which allows to obtain a fine-grained structure and helps to increase the ductility of the metal, as well as aligning the properties along the length and cross section of the cast billet and provides an accurate determination of the amount of ruthenium introduced into the melt. With its use in industrial conditions, experimental studies of the technology for producing long-length deformed semi-finished products from new alloys in the form of rods and wire were carried out. As a result, pilot batches of wire were obtained and the most sophisticated in technology jewelry chains of the NC 12-078 “Snake” type were made. In comparison with the existing alloy of the ZlNCM 585-12.5-4 brand with a nickel content of up to 13 %, currently used for the production of jewelry chains, the structures and properties of cast, deformed and annealed semi-finished products from new nickel-free alloys based on 585 probe white color gold are studied. During pilot testing of the technology for the production of wire from new alloys, it was found that it has an increased level of consumer and mechanical properties and is suitable for the manufacture of jewelry chains in industrial conditions.
Keywords: white gold alloys, nickel, ruthenium, rods, wire, jewelry chains, section rolling, drawing, mechanical properties, structure.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-55-63
Sidelnikov Sergey — Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, 660025, prospect the newspaper “The Krasnoyarsk worker”, 95), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, the head of the Department of Metal Forming. E-mail:
Ditkovskaya Yulia — Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, 660025, prospect the newspaper “The Krasnoyarsk worker”, 95), postgraduate student of the Department of Metal Forming. E-mail:
Lopatina Ekaterina — Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, 660025, prospect the newspaper “The Krasnoyarsk worker”, 95), Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgy and Heat Treatment. E-mail:
Lebedeva Olga — Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, 660025, prospect the newspaper “The Krasnoyarsk worker”, 95), Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Metal Forming. E-mail:
Lopatin Vladimir — Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, 660025, prospect the newspaper “The Krasnoyarsk worker”, 95), master student of the Department of Metal Forming.
Reference citing:
Sidelnikov S.B., Ditkovskaya Y.D., Lopatina E.S., Lebedeva O.S., Lopatin V.A. Razrabotka novyh splavov belogo zolota 585 proby i issledovanie tekhnologii proizvodstva iz nih provoloki yuvelirnogo naznacheniya [Development of new white gold alloys of 585 probe and research of technology of production from their wire of jewelery appointment]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 55 – 63. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-55-63
Effect of DC arc discharge power on synthesis
of Si – C product system
A. Ya. Pak, T. Yu. Yakich, O. A. Bolotnikova
Silicon carbide is important for science and technology superhard semiconductor material, characterized by high resistance to aggressive environments and high temperatures in air. In this regard, the development of methods for silicon carbide production is an urgent task. This paper presents the experimental studies results on ways to control the phase, particle size and particles morphology of the vacuumless electric arc synthesis product of powder materials in the carbon-silicon system. According to X-ray diffraction data, the composition of the product identifies a cubic silicon carbide modification with a unit cell parameter of
4.375 ± 0.016 Å; also initial silicon and unbounded carbon in the form of graphite are identified in the synthesis product. The work shows the phase composition dependence of the product on the average power of the arc discharge. The morphological types of silicon carbide crystals obtained in a series of experiments were also determined, the average particle size of silicon carbide and the chemical composition of the synthesis product were estimated. The vacuumless electric-arc method used is distinguished by the absence of the need to form a protective gas environment inside the combined-type DC arc reactor chamber. The process takes place in atmosphere of CO, which is generated in the burning arc discharge in air process.
Keywords: silicon carbide, morphology, structure, electric arc synthesis, vacuumless method, electrical power.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-64-71
Pak Alexander — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia, 634034, Tomsk, Sovetskaya 84/3), PhD, associate professor of the department of Automation and Robotics, specialist in the field of electric arc synthesis of powder materials, in particular carbon nanostructures and carbides of metals and non-metals. E-mail:
Yakich Tamara — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia, 634034, Tomsk, Sovetskaya 84/3), PhD, associate professor of the department of Geology, specialist in the field of crystallography, scanning electron microscopy. E-mail:
Bolotnikova Olga — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia, 634034, Tomsk, Sovetskaya 84/3), student, specialist in the field of electric arc synthesis of silicon carbide. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Pak A.Ya., Yakich T.Yu., Bolotnikova O.A. Vliyanie moshchnosti dugovogo razryada postoyannogo toka na produkt sinteza sistemy Si – C [Effect of DC arc discharge power on synthesis of Si – C product system]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 64 – 71. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-64-71
Liquid-phase synthesis and physical and chemical properties of ceramic electrolyte nanomaterials in the CeO2 – Sm2O3 system for solid oxide fuel cells
M. V. Kalinina, D. A. Duskina, N. Yu. Kovalko, S. V. Myakin,
M. Yu. Arsent’ev, N. A. Khristyuk, O. A. Shilova
By the method of joint crystallization of solutions of nitrate salts of the synthesized highly dispersed powders of the composition: (CeO2)0.98(Sm2O3)0.02, (CeO2)0.95(Sm2O3)0.05, (CeO2)0.90(Sm2O3)0.10 and on the basis of nanoceramic materials with a crystalline cubic structure of fluorite type, with the grain size of the crystallites ~ 68 – 81 нм (1300 °С). Their mechanical and electrophysical properties were studied; it was found that they have an open porosity of 2 – 6 % and predominantly ionic (ti = 0.82 – 0.71 in the range of 300 – 700 ° C) type of electrical conductivity, due to the formation of mobile oxygen vacancies during heterovalent substitution of Се4+ for Sm3+, σ700 °C =1.3·10–2 Cm/cm the Studies show the prospects of using the obtained ceramic materials as solid oxide electrolytes of medium-temperature fuel cells.
Keywords: joint crystallization of salts, oxides, fine powders, electrical conductivity, fuel cells, nanoceramics, electrolyte materials.
DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-72-82
Kalinina Marina — Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), PhD, senior researcher, specialist in physical and chemical properties of nanocrystalline oxide materials. E-mail:
Dyuskina Daria — St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University,
St. Petersburg, 190013, Moscovskiy prospect., 26), student, carries out the synthesis of materials. E-mail:
Koval’ko Nadezhda — Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), junior researcher, specialists in the field of synthesis and physicochemical properties of nanocrystalline oxide materials. E-mail:
Mjakin Sergey — Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (190013, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect 26), PhD, assistant professor, specialist in surface chemistry of solids. E-mail:
Arsent’ev Maxim — Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), PhD, senior researcher, specialist in the field of X-ray diffraction analysis. E-mail:
Hristyuk Nikolai — Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (190013, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect 26), researcher, specialist in electron microscopy. E-mail:
Shilova Olga — Grebenschikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (199034, Saint-Petersburg, Makarova naberezhnaya 2), Dr Sci, professor, chief researcher, acting head of the Laboratory of inorganic synthesis, specialist in the field of physical chemistry and technology of glass-ceramic nanocomposite materials. E-mail:
Reference citing:
Kalinina M.V., Duskina D.A., Kovalko N.Yu., Myakin S.V., Arsent’ev M.Yu., Khristyuk N.A., Shilova O.A. ZHidkofaznyj sintez i issledovanie fiziko-himicheskih svojstv keramicheskih elektrolitnyh nanomaterialov v sisteme CeO2 – Sm2O3 dlya tverdooksidnyh toplivnyh elementov [Liquid-phase synthesis and physical and chemical properties of ceramic electrolyte nanomaterials in the CeO2 – Sm2O3 system for solid oxide fuel cells]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2020, no. 2, p. 72 – 82. DOI: 10.30791/1028-978X-2020-2-72-82