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2022, No.11


Physico-chemical principles of materials development

O. V. Rubinkovskaya, V. N. Nevolin, D. V. Fominski, R. I. Romanov,
P. F. Kartsev, V. Yu. Fominski, Jiang Hualing
Study of the mechanism of photoactivated hydrogen evolution
on a silicon photocathode with a-MoSx thin-film catalyst........................................................ 5

Materials for electronics

V. I. Kapustin, I. P. Li, N. E. Kozhevnikova

The role of nanostructures in the formation of the emission properties
of oxide-nickel cathodes.......................................................................................................... 16

M. A. Nuriev, A.P. Abdullaev, I. M. Nuruev, A. A. Shukurova, V. G. Mamedov

Charging state of polyethylene composites with TlGaTe2 semiconductor fille........................ 29

Materials for insuring human life activity
and environmental protection

E. A. Nemets, V. A. Surguchenko, Yu. V. Belov, A. I. Xajrullina, V. I. Sevastyanov

Porous tubular scaffolds for tissue engineering structures
of small diameter blood vessels.............................................................................................. 36

A. A. Psyanchin, E. M. Zakharova, V. P. Zakharov

Effect of melt flow modifier on the physico-mechanical
properties of a polymer composite based on secondary polypropylene
and aluminosilicate microspheres........................................................................................... 47

Materials for general purpose

A. S. Apkarian, T. Yu. Sablina

Investigation of the properties of overburden clays from the Kornilovskoye
deposit of the Tomsk region for use in the refractory, ceramic and oil industries.................... 53

O. G. Chernova, V. A. Zakharova, D. S. Kalugina, N. V. Chernousova, A. V. Dedov
Fuel permeability of thermoplastic polyurethanes after exposure to salt mist......................... 61

New materials processing technologies

V. A. Zelensky, V. S. Shustov, A. G. Gnedovets, M. I. Alymov

Structure micro- and nanomodification by cyclic oxidation-reduction treatment
of porous nickel sintered using a space holder....................................................................... 69


Simakov Sergey  — 70............................................................................................................ 83

Alymov Mikhail — 65............................................................................................................... 84


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